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Last active June 29, 2020 17:41
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The Big Data Bravura: Introducing Apache Spark
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
conf = SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("SubjectsByClass")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
def get_class_and_subject(entry):
fields = entry.split(',')
class_id = fields[1]
number_of_subjects = int(fields[2])
return (class_id, number_of_subjects)
student_subject_rdd = sc.textFile("./student_subject.csv")
class_subject_rdd =
modified_class_subject_rdd = class_subject_rdd.mapValues(
lambda value: (value, 1))
total_by_class_rdd = modified_class_subject_rdd.reduceByKey(
lambda currentValue, nextvalue: (
currentValue[0] + nextvalue[0], currentValue[1] + nextvalue[1]))
average_by_class_rdd = total_by_class_rdd.mapValues(
lambda value: value[0] / value[1])
average_by_class_array = average_by_class_rdd.collect()
for result in average_by_class_array:
print('The average number of subjects for class ',
result[0], ' is ', f'{result[1]:.2f}')
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