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Last active June 26, 2017 22:58
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(defonce get-scaled-variances
(fn []
(let [{positives true negatives false} (group-by #(= (:label %) [0.0 1.0]) (create-dataset))
pos-data (mat/matrix (map #(:data %) positives))
variances (mat/matrix (map #(matstats/variance %) (mat/columns pos-data)))
scaled-vars (mat/mul (/ 5000 (mat/length variances)) variances)]
(defn add-rand-variance
"Given vector v, add random vector based off the variance of each feature"
[v scaled-vars]
(let [randv (map #(- (* 2 (rand %)) %) scaled-vars)]
(mapv + v randv)))
(defn augment-train-ds
"Takes train dataset and augments positive examples to reach 50/50 balance"
(let [{train-pos true train-neg false} (group-by #(= (:label %) [0.0 1.0]) orig-train)
pos-data (map #(:data %) train-pos)
num-augments (- (count train-neg) (count train-pos))
augments-per-sample (int (/ num-augments (count train-pos)))
augmented-data (apply concat (repeatedly augments-per-sample
#(mapv (fn [p] (add-rand-variance p (get-scaled-variances))) pos-data)))
augmented-ds (mapv (fn [d] {:data d :label [0 1]}) augmented-data)]
(shuffle (concat orig-train augmented-ds))))
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