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Last active April 28, 2019 07:52
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(defn f-beta
"F-beta score, default uses F1"
([precision recall] (f-beta precision recall 1))
([precision recall beta]
(let [beta-squared (* beta beta)]
(* (+ 1 beta-squared)
(try ;; catch divide by 0 errors
(/ (* precision recall)
(+ (* beta-squared precision) recall))
(catch ArithmeticException e
(defn f1-test-fn
"Test function that takes in two map arguments, global info and local epoch info.
Compares F1 score of current network to that of the previous network,
and returns map:
{:best-network? boolean
:network (assoc new-network :evaluation-score-to-compare)}"
[;; global arguments
{:keys [batch-size context]}
;per-epoch arguments
{:keys [new-network old-network test-ds]} ]
(let [batch-size (long batch-size)
test-results (execute/run new-network test-ds
:batch-size batch-size
:loss-outputs? true
:context context)
;;; test metrics
test-actual (mapv #(vec->label [0.0 1.0] %) (map :label test-ds))
test-pred (mapv #(vec->label [0.0 1.0] % [1 0.9]) (map :label test-results))
precision (metrics/precision test-actual test-pred)
recall (metrics/recall test-actual test-pred)
f-beta (f-beta precision recall)
;; if current f-beta higher than the old network's, current is best network
best-network? (or (nil? (get old-network :cv-score))
(> f-beta (get old-network :cv-score)))
updated-network (assoc new-network :cv-score f-beta)
epoch (get new-network :epoch-count)]
(experiment-train/save-network updated-network network-file)
(log (str "Epoch: " epoch "\n"
"Precision: " precision "\n"
"Recall: " recall "\n"
"F1: " f-beta "\n\n"))
{:best-network? best-network?
:network updated-network}))
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