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Created June 25, 2024 19:25
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Wipe Clean WordPress Plugin
Before we explain the detailed way, there is a quick solution to get rid of WooCommerce data completely.
Open your site’s wp-config.php file through FTP or File Manager.
Scroll towards the bottom, add this line:
define(‘WC_REMOVE_ALL_DATA’, true);
Make sure to use straight quotation marks and add the code on its own line above the / That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. / line in the file, around line 76 of the file.
Save the file to the server.
Press “Deactivate” > “Delete” to remove the plugin from your admin panel.
You can again go back and remove the above code from the wp-config file. Then when you deactivate and delete WooCommerce it will remove all of its data from your WordPress database.
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