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Last active October 14, 2021 17:41
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demonstrating attempts to upsert with electrodb
"name": "upsert-example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Demonstrating attempts to upsert records with electrodb",
"dependencies": {
"aws-sdk": "2.544.0",
"electrodb": "0.9.52"
const DynamoDB = require("aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb");
const { Entity } = require("electrodb");
TransactionModel = {
model: {
version: "1",
service: "transactions",
entity: "transaction",
attributes: {
accountId: {
type: "string",
transactionId: {
type: "string",
amount: {
type: "number",
indexes: {
transaction: {
pk: {
field: "PK",
facets: ["accountId"],
sk: {
field: "SK",
facets: ["transactionId"],
const table = "MY_TABLE_NAME";
const client = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const txn = new Entity(TransactionModel, { client, table });
const transaction = {
accountId: "100",
transactionId: "1",
amount: 25,
(async () => {
let result;
// attempt to upsert a transaction record with `update`
await txn.delete(transaction).go();
await txn.update(transaction).set({ amount: 25 }).go();
result = await txn.get(transaction).go({ includeKeys: true });
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));
"amount": 25,
"SK": "$transaction_1#transactionid_1",
"PK": "$transactions#accountid_100"
// compare with transaction record resulting from a `put`
await txn.delete(transaction).go();
await txn.put(transaction).go();
result = await txn.get(transaction).go({ includeKeys: true });
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));
"__edb_e__": "transaction",
"__edb_v__": "1",
"accountId": "100",
"amount": 25,
"SK": "$transaction_1#transactionid_1",
"PK": "$transactions#accountid_100",
"transactionId": "1"
// attempt to upsert a transaction record with `update` part deux
await txn.delete(transaction).go();
await txn.update(transaction).set(transaction).go();
Error: Attribute accountId is Read-Only and cannot be updated
at Schema.checkUpdate (/upsert_example/node_modules/electrodb/src/schema.js:394:11)
at Object.action (/upsert_example/node_modules/electrodb/src/clauses.js:193:37)
at Object.current.<computed> [as set] (/upsert_example//node_modules/electrodb/src/entity.js:384:34)
at /upsert_example/upsert.js:66:35
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Notice how the accountId and transactionId attributes are autogenerated when using put, but not with update.

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