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Created March 18, 2013 20:20
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Logic based system in Scheme
(define (amb-fail f)
(error "amb" "Unable to satisfy conditions"))
(define (amb . it)
(define old amb-fail)
(call/cc (lambda (top)
(map (lambda (val)
(call/cc (lambda (cont)
(set! amb-fail cont)
(top val))))
(old #f))))
(define (rule stmt)
(if stmt
(amb-fail #f)))
(define (lookup l ls)
(let ((res (assoc l ls)))
(if res
(cdr res)
(define (substitute term table)
(lambda (t)
(lookup t table))
(define-syntax resolve
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ((v1 vs ...)
r1 rs ...)
((ps ...)
f1 fs ...))
(let* ((v1 (amb ps ...))
(vs (amb ps ...))
(sym-table (list (cons (quote v1) v1)
(cons (quote vs) vs)
(facts '(f1 fs ...))
(rules '(r1 rs ...)))
(map rule (map
(lambda (rule)
(member (substitute rule sym-table)
(printf "~a\n" (resolve
((x y)
(x likes y) (y is a hard sport) (x is rich))
(('Mike 'Rachel 'rugby 'tennis)
(Mike likes rugby)
(Rachel likes tennis)
(rugby is a hard sport)
(tennis is easy)
(Mike is rich)
(Rachel is rich))))
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