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Last active December 18, 2015 00:19
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
data Tree a = Node{value :: a, subtree :: [Tree a]}
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Trie = Tree Char
toTrie :: String -> Trie
toTrie (reverse -> c : s) = foldl' (flip Node . (:[])) (Node c []) s
merge :: Trie -> Trie -> Trie
merge root@(Node val1 subs1) new@(Node val2 subs2)
| isJust loc =
root{subtree = (:delete loc' subs1) $ foldl' merge loc' subs2}
| otherwise = root{subtree = new : subs1}
where loc = find ((==val2).value) subs1
loc' = fromJust loc
build :: [String] -> Trie
build = foldl' merge (Node ' ' []) . map toTrie
contains :: String -> Trie -> Bool
contains (s:str) (Node _ trs) = maybe False (contains str) $ find ((==s).value) trs
contains [] _ = True
main = do
trie <- (build . take 10000 . lines) `fmap` readFile "/usr/share/dict/words"
print $ contains "aardvarks" trie
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