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Created October 6, 2014 04:25
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mini-mini Kanren
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Unify where
import Control.Monad.Logic
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Id = Integer
type Atom = String
data Term = Var Id
| Atom Atom
| Integer Integer
| Pair Term Term
deriving Show
type Sol = M.Map Id Term
-- | Substitute all bound variables in a term giving the canonical
-- term in an environment. All terms in an environment must be
-- canonized otherwise the world will burn. And I'll be very sad.
canonize :: Sol -> Term -> Term
canonize sol t = case t of
Atom a -> Atom a
Integer i -> Integer i
Pair l r -> canonize sol l `Pair` canonize sol r
Var i -> maybe (Var i) id $ M.lookup i sol
-- | Extend an environment with a given term.
extend :: Id -> Term -> Sol -> Sol
extend i t sol = M.insert i (canonize sol t) sol
-- | Unification cannot need not backtrack so this will either
-- universally succeed or failure.
unify :: Term -> Term -> Sol -> Maybe Sol
unify l r sol= case (l, r) of
(Atom a, Atom a') | a == a' -> Just sol
(Integer i, Integer j) | i == j -> Just sol
(Pair h t, Pair h' t') -> unify h h' sol >>= unify t t'
(Var i, t) -> Just (extend i t sol)
(t, Var i) -> Just (extend i t sol)
_ -> Nothing
data State = State { sol :: Sol
, vars :: [Term] }
type Predicate = State -> Logic State
-- | Equating two terms will attempt to unify them and backtrack if
-- this is impossible.
equate :: Term -> Term -> Predicate
equate l r s@State {..} =
case unify (canonize sol l) (canonize sol r) sol of
Just sol' -> return s{sol = sol'}
Nothing -> mzero
-- | Generate a fresh (not rigid) term to use for our program.
fresh :: (Term -> Predicate) -> Predicate
fresh withTerm (State sol (t : ts)) = withTerm t (State sol ts)
-- | Conjunction
conj :: Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
conj p1 p2 s = p1 s >>= p2
-- | Disjunction
disconj :: Predicate -> Predicate -> Predicate
disconj p1 p2 s = p1 s `interleave` p2 s
-- | Lots of disjunction, a logical switch statement.
conde :: [Predicate] -> Predicate
conde = foldr disconj (const mzero)
-- | Lots of conjuction, basically our toplevel program combinator.
program :: [Predicate] -> Predicate
program = foldr conj return
-- | Run a program and find all solutions for the parametrized term.
run :: (Term -> Predicate) -> [Term]
run mkProg = map answer (observeAll prog)
where prog = mkProg (Var 0) $ State M.empty (map Var [1..])
answer State{..} = canonize sol (Var 0)
test :: Term -> Predicate
test t = fresh $ \t' -> equate (Pair t' t) (Pair (Atom "foo") t')
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