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Created May 19, 2023 15:07
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A generalization of Cantor's diagonalization argument.
module cantor where
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Empty
open import Level
-- A variant of (
-- Sort of spooky this works.
data _≡_ {ℓ : Level}{A : Set ℓ} : A → A → Set₀ where
refl : (a : A) → a ≡ a
fcong : {ℓ ℓ' : Level}{A : Set ℓ}{B : Set ℓ'}(f g : A → B) → f ≡ g → (a : A) → f a ≡ g a
fcong f g (refl ._) _ = refl _
coe : {ℓ ℓ' : Level}{A : Set ℓ}(P : A → Set ℓ') → (a b : A) → a ≡ b → P a → P b
coe P a b (refl ._) x = x
record Forall (A : Set₁) (P : A → Set) : Set where
constructor lambda
app : (a : A) → (P a)
open Forall
All = Forall Set
postulate All/inj : ∀ {P Q} → All P ≡ All Q → P ≡ Q
Exists : (A : Set₁)(P : A → Set) → Set
Exists A P = All λ C → (Forall A λ a → P a → C) → C
mk : {A : Set₁}(P : A → Set)(a : A) → P a → Exists A P
mk P A p = lambda (λ C f → app f A p)
Diag : (X : Set) → Set
Diag X =
Exists (Set → Set) λ s →
(All s ≡ X) × (s X → ⊥)
Fixed : Set
Fixed = All Diag
cantor₁ : Diag Fixed → (Diag Fixed → ⊥)
cantor₁ df₀ =
(Diag Fixed → ⊥)
(lambda λ s (Fixed≡Alls , sFixed→⊥) →
eq : s ≡ Diag
eq = All/inj Fixed≡Alls
eq2 : s Fixed ≡ Diag Fixed
eq2 = fcong _ _ eq Fixed
coe (λ A → A → ⊥) _ _ eq2 sFixed→⊥)
cantor₂ : (Diag Fixed → ⊥) → Diag Fixed
cantor₂ contra = mk _ Diag (refl _ , contra)
bad : ⊥
bad = cantor₁ (cantor₂ λ x → cantor₁ x x) (cantor₂ λ x → cantor₁ x x)
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