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joziahg / interceptForm.html
Last active May 15, 2024 00:36
Javascript code to intercept hubspot forms on drag and drop builder websites
<!-- Header Code -->
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- Footer Code -->
<!-- Minified use this in production -->
$('form[action^=""]').each((function(e){$(this).find("input[type=checkbox]").val("true"),$(this).submit((function(e){e.preventDefault();const n=[ FormData(].map((e=>({name:e[0],value:e[1]}))),t=n.find((e=>"goToWebinarWebinarKey",i=n.find((e=>"sfdcCampaignId",o=document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hubspotutk\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/,"$1")||void 0;console.log(o);const s=$(this).find("[id*='gdpr-processing-prompt']"),a=n.filter((e=>"LEGAL_CONSENT"))).map((e=>{const n=$(`#${|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g,"\\$1")}`)[0],t=$("span[for='"+$(n).attr("id").replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g,"\\$1")+"']");return{value:n.checked,text:t.text(),subscriptionTypeId:parseInt("LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_")[1])}})),r=["cc-n
const softballTeams = [ // Array of teams
'Ottumwa', 'Benton', 'Bettendorf', 'IC Regina', 'CR Kennedy',
'Cedar Falls', 'Dub. Senior', 'Dub. Hempstead', 'North Scott',
'CR Prairie', 'IC West', 'Pleasant Valley', 'Linn-Mar', 'CCA',
'Lisbon', 'CR Jeff Blue', 'CR Jeff White', 'CR Xavier', 'Waterloo West'
Array.prototype.getPairs = function (returnedPairs) { // We can define ourselves a new Array function here with the Array.protptype method
var pairs = [] // new pairs array
* This is a simple template for bug reproductions. It contains three models `Person`, `Animal` and `Movie`.
* They create a simple IMDB-style database. Try to add minimal modifications to this file to reproduce
* your bug.
* install:
* npm install objection knex sqlite3 chai
* run:
* node reproduction-template