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Last active May 12, 2024 20:58
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Grelling–Nelson Paradox (in Coq)
(** Grelling-Nelson Paradox.
Module [GnpLogic] is the basic logical analysis,
with the conclusion "phi is incomplete": where,
together with a notion of *functional extensionality*
(represented by [peq]), that [phi] is a *total function*
seems all it takes for the "paradox" to apply.
Module [GnpExtLogic] is the first attempt at extending
the logic by extending the domain of discourse, but fails
to change the conclusion: it rather turns out indicative
that the "paradox" holds regardless of the specifics of [phi].
Module [GnpCloLogic] is an attempt at closing the logic by
extending the domain of discourse, but only partially
extending (the type of) [phi], but this solution remains
unsatisfactory: [het] is now *represented* in the system and
can be applied to "standard" elements, still "standard"
elements cannot be applied to it. Indeed, there is also
no such thing now as diagonalizing [psi], [W] and [U] are
just not the same type; moreover, for any given [phi],
there are in fact infinitely many possible "anti-diagonals",
not just [het]...
Module Type GnpSpec.
Parameter U : Set.
Parameter phi : U -> U -> Prop.
End GnpSpec.
Module GnpLogic (Spec : GnpSpec).
Include Spec.
Definition peq (p q : U -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall (x : U), p x <-> q x.
Definition rep (x : U) (p : U -> Prop) : Prop :=
peq (phi x) p.
Definition aut (x : U) : Prop := phi x x.
Definition het (x : U) : Prop := ~ aut x.
Theorem no_het_in_phi :
~ exists (h : U), rep h het.
unfold rep, peq, het, aut.
intros [h H].
destruct (H h) as [HPN HNP].
assert (HP : phi h h).
apply HNP.
intros HP.
apply (HPN HP HP).
apply (HPN HP HP).
End GnpLogic.
Module GnpLogic_NatEq. (* a usage example *)
Module GnpNatEqSpec <: GnpSpec.
Definition U : Set := nat.
Definition phi (x y : U) : Prop := x = y.
End GnpNatEqSpec.
Module GnpNatEq := GnpLogic GnpNatEqSpec.
Import GnpNatEq.
Compute phi 1.
(* = fun x : U => 1 = x : U -> Prop *)
End GnpLogic_NatEq.
Module Type GnpExtSpec <: GnpSpec.
Include GnpSpec.
Parameter psi_fi : U -> Prop.
Parameter psi_if : U -> Prop.
End GnpExtSpec.
Module GnpExtLogic (Spec : GnpExtSpec).
Include Spec.
Inductive W : Set :=
| W_f : U -> W
| W_i : W. (* single non-standard element *)
(* The case [psi] from [W_i] to [W_i] is not defined,
so [psi W_i W_i] is provably false... but,
it doesn't matter, see below... *)
Inductive psi' (w1 w2 : W) : Prop :=
| Psi_ff (u1 u2 : U) (* [psi] over [phi] *)
(E1 : W_f u1 = w1) (E2 : W_f u2 = w2) (H : phi u1 u2)
| Psi_fi (u1 : U) (w2 : W) (* [psi] from [U] to [W_i] *)
(E1 : W_f u1 = w1) (E2 : W_i = w2) (H : psi_fi u1)
| Psi_if (w1 : W) (u2 : U) (* [psi] from [W_i] to [U] *)
(E1 : W_i = w1) (E2 : W_f u2 = w2) (H : psi_if u2).
(* [psi] is an uninhabited type,
so [psi w1 w2] is identically false. *)
Inductive psi : W -> W -> Prop := .
Definition peq (p q : W -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall (x : W), p x <-> q x.
Definition rep (x : W) (p : W -> Prop) : Prop :=
peq (psi x) p.
Definition aut (x : W) : Prop := psi x x.
Definition het (x : W) : Prop := ~ aut x.
Theorem no_het_in_psi :
~ exists (h : W), rep h het.
unfold rep, peq, het, aut.
intros [h H].
destruct (H h) as [HPN HNP].
assert (HP : psi h h).
apply HNP.
intros HP.
apply (HPN HP HP).
apply (HPN HP HP).
(* A specific consequence of [psi] empty. *)
Lemma psi_totally_incomplete :
forall (p : W -> Prop),
(exists (x : W), p x) ->
~ exists (h : W), rep h p.
unfold rep, peq.
intros p [x HPx] [h H].
destruct (H x) as [_ HPS].
assert (HNS : ~ psi h x)
by intros [].
apply HNS.
apply (HPS HPx).
End GnpExtLogic.
Module GnpCloLogic (Spec : GnpSpec).
Module GnpLogic := GnpLogic Spec.
Include GnpLogic.
Inductive W : Set :=
| W_f : U -> W
| W_i : W. (* a single non-standard element *)
(* [psi] is (as) a partial function on [W*W]. *)
Definition psi (w : W) (u : U) : Prop :=
match w with
| W_f u' => phi u' u
| W_i => het u
Definition rex (w : W) (p : U -> Prop) : Prop :=
peq (psi w) p.
Theorem het_in_psi :
exists (h : W), rex h het.
exists W_i.
unfold rex, peq.
intros u.
; intros H
; apply H.
End GnpCloLogic.
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