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Created September 3, 2015 01:51
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Answer Sources in Prolog (SWI) - Preview
Answer Sources in Prolog (SWI) - Preview
Answer Sources: Extensions
Copyright (c) 2015 Julio P. Di Egidio
All rights reserved.
Answer Sources: Extensions
Extends answer sources with few utilities and the basic combinators.
- Predicates in this module do not validate their input.
- Access to predicates in this module is not sychronised.
%(SWI 7.2.3)
:- module(nan_kernel_ex,
[ using_source/4, % (@, @, -, :) is nondet
using_sources/4, % (:, +, -, :) is nondet
source_first/2, % (+, ?) is semidet
source_enum/2, % (+, ?) is nondet
append_sources/2, % (+, -) is det
compose_sources/2 % (+, -) is det
:- reexport('Nan.Kernel').
:- use_module(library(apply)).
%! using_source (@AnsPatt, @Goal, -Source, :GUsing) is nondet
%! using_sources (:PComb, +Sources, -Source, :GUsing) is nondet
?- using_source(s1, sleep(2), _S1,
using_source(s2, sleep(2), _S2,
using_source(s3, sleep(2), _S3,
using_sources(compose_sources, [_S1, _S2, _S3], _S,
( time(source_next(_S, answer(_, the([A1, A2, A3]))))
% 546 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 2.000 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
A1 = answer(last, the(s1)),
A2 = answer(last, the(s2)),
A3 = answer(last, the(s3)).
:- meta_predicate
using_source(+, 0, -, 0).
using_source(AnsP, G, Src, GU) :-
source_open(AnsP, G, Src),
:- meta_predicate
using_sources(2, +, -, 0).
using_sources(PC, Srcs, Src, GU) :-
call(PC, Srcs, Src),
%! source_first (+Source, -Answer) is det
%! source_first (+Source, ?Answer) is semidet
%! Gets the first answer from a given source.
%! Resets the source Source, gets the first answer from it, and
%! unifies the answer with Answer.
source_first(Src, Ans) :-
source_next(Src, Ans).
%! source_enum (+Source, -Answer) is multi
%! source_enum (+Source, ?Answer) is nondet
%! Enumerates answers from a given source.
%! Gets on backtracking answers from the source Source, and unifies
%! each answer with Answer.
source_enum(Src, Ans) :-
source_next(Src, Ans0),
source_enum__sel(Src, Ans0, Ans).
source_enum__sel(_, Ans0, Ans) :-
Ans \= Ans0, !, fail.
source_enum__sel(_, Ans0, Ans0).
source_enum__sel(Src, _, Ans) :-
source_enum(Src, Ans).
%! append_sources (+Sources, -Source) is det
%! Append combinator over a list of sources.
%! Creates a new source Source that combines answers from the sources
%! listed in Sources. Source gets an answer from the first source in
%! Sources that is not closed, defaulting to failure when all the
%! sources are closed (or the list is empty). Resettings Source
%! resets all Sources (that are not closed).
?- source_open(I, between(1, 2, I), S1),
source_open(I, between(3, 4, I), S2).
S1 = source(t0, 156),
S2 = source(t0, 157).
?- append_sources([$S1, $S2], S).
S = source(t1, 158).
?- source_close($S1).
?- findall(A, source_enum($S, answer(_, the(A))), As).
As = [3, 4].
?- findall(A, source_enum($S, answer(_, the(A))), As).
As = [].
?- source_reset($S).
?- findall(A, source_enum($S, answer(_, the(A))), As).
As = [3, 4].
?- source_close($S2),
?- findall(A, source_enum($S, answer(_, the(A))), As).
As = [].
?- source_close($S).
append_sources(Srcs, Src) :-
PReset = append_s__reset,
PNext = append_s__next,
maplist(append_s__ts0__do, Srcs, Ts0),
source_open(Srcs, Ts0, PReset, PNext, Src).
append_s__reset(Srcs, Ts0, Ts1) :-
maplist(append_s__reset__do, Srcs, Ts0, Ts1).
append_s__next(Srcs, Ts0, Ts1, Ans) :-
foldl(append_s__next__do, Srcs, Ts0, Ts1, Ans, Ans),
(var(Ans) -> Ans = answer(fail, no) ; true).
append_s__ts0__do(_, t).
append_s__reset__do(Src, t, t) :-
source_exists(Src, true), !,
append_s__reset__do(_, _, f).
append_s__next__do(_, T0, T0, Ans, Ans) :-
nonvar(Ans), !.
append_s__next__do(Src, t, t, Ans, Ans) :-
source_exists(Src, true), !,
source_next(Src, Ans).
append_s__next__do(_, _, f, Ans, Ans).
%! compose_sources (+Sources, -Source) is det
%! Compose combinator over a list of sources.
%! Creates a new source Source that combines answers from the sources
%! listed in Sources. In parallel, Source gets one answer from every
%! one of Sources (if any source is closed, defaults to failure), and
%! returns a list of the answers so collected. Resettings Source
%! resets all Sources (that are not closed).
?- source_open(I, between(1, 2, I), S1),
source_open(I, between(3, 4, I), S2).
S1 = source(t0, 39),
S2 = source(t0, 40).
?- compose_sources([$S1, $S2], S).
S = source(t1, 41).
?- source_enum($S, answer(_, the(As))).
As = [answer(more, the(1)), answer(more, the(3))] ;
As = [answer(last, the(2)), answer(last, the(4))] ;
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(fail, no)] ;
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(fail, no)] .
?- source_reset($S).
?- source_enum($S, answer(_, the(As))).
As = [answer(more, the(1)), answer(more, the(3))] .
?- source_reset($S1).
?- source_enum($S, answer(_, the(As))).
As = [answer(more, the(1)), answer(last, the(4))] ;
As = [answer(last, the(2)), answer(fail, no)] ;
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(fail, no)] .
?- source_close($S1), source_reset($S).
?- source_enum($S, answer(_, the(As))).
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(more, the(3))] ;
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(last, the(4))] ;
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(fail, no)] .
?- source_close($S2), source_reset($S).
?- source_enum($S, answer(_, the(As))).
As = [answer(fail, no), answer(fail, no)] .
?- source_close($S).
compose_sources(Srcs, Src) :-
PReset = compose_s__reset,
PNext = compose_s__next,
maplist(compose_s__ts0__do, Srcs, Ts0),
source_open(Srcs, Ts0, PReset, PNext, Src).
compose_s__reset(Srcs, Ts0, Ts1) :-
maplist(compose_s__reset__do, Srcs, Ts0, Ts1).
compose_s__next(Srcs, Ts0, Ts1, answer(more, the(Anss))) :-
maplist(compose_s__next_b__do, Srcs, Ts0, Ts01),
maplist(compose_s__next_e__do, Srcs, Ts01, Ts1, Anss).
compose_s__ts0__do(_, t).
compose_s__reset__do(Src, t, t) :-
source_exists(Src, true), !,
compose_s__reset__do(_, _, f).
compose_s__next_b__do(Src, t, t) :-
source_exists(Src, true), !,
compose_s__next_b__do(_, _, f).
compose_s__next_e__do(Src, t, t, Ans) :-
source_exists(Src, true), !,
source_next_end(Src, Ans).
compose_s__next_e__do(_, _, f, answer(fail, no)).
Answer Sources in Prolog (SWI) - Preview
Answer Sources
Copyright (c) 2015 Julio P. Di Egidio
All rights reserved.
Answer Sources
Answer sources can be seen as generalized iterators, allowing a given
program to control answer production in another. Each answer source
works as a separate Prolog interpreter...
Multithreading => parallelism...
- Predicates in this module do not validate their input.
- Access to predicates in this module is not sychronised.
- Redesign in terms of a thread-pool.
- Rewrite to get rid of the global cuts.
- Abstract away cross-cutting concerns:
(validation?), exceptions, logging, database, id/key gen.
- Remove logging calls with nan_kernel_debug(false).
Main SWI specifics: threads, message queues, global cuts.
%(SWI 7.2.3)
:- module(nan_kernel,
[ source_exists/2, % (+, ?) is semidet
source_open/5, % (+, +, @, @, -) is det
source_open/3, % (@, @, -) is det
source_close/1, % (+) is det
source_reset/1, % (+) is det
source_next/2, % (+, ?) is semidet
source_next_begin/1, % (+) is det
source_next_end/2 % (+, ?) is semidet
:- use_module(library(debug)).
%! source_exists (+Source, ?Exists) is semidet
%! source_open (+Sources, +State0, @PReset, @PNext, -Source) is det
%! source_open (@AnsPatt, @Goal, -Source) is det
%! source_close (+Source) is det
%! source_reset (+Source) is det
%! source_next (+Source, ?Answer) is semidet
%! source_next_begin (+Source) is det
%! source_next_end (+Source, ?Answer) is semidet
source_exists(Src, Exists) :-
source_sid(Src, Sid),
source_db_exists_(Sid, Exists).
:- meta_predicate
source_open(+, +, 3, 4, -).
source_open(Srcs, T0, PR, PN, Src) :-
source_open_(Srcs, T0, PR, PN, Sid),
source_sid(Src, Sid).
:- meta_predicate
source_open(+, 0, -).
source_open(AnsP, G, Src) :-
source_open_(AnsP, G, Sid),
source_sid(Src, Sid).
source_close(Src) :-
source_sid(Src, Sid),
source_reset(Src) :-
source_sid(Src, Sid),
source_next(Src, Ans) :-
source_sid(Src, Sid),
source_next_(Sid, Ans).
source_next_begin(Src) :-
source_sid(Src, Sid),
source_next_end(Src, Ans) :-
source_sid(Src, Sid),
source_next_end_(Sid, Ans).
% source_open_ (+Srcs, +T0, @PR, @PN, -Sid) is det
% source_open_ (@AnsP, @G, -Sid) is det
:- meta_predicate
source_open_(+, +, 3, 4, -).
source_open_(Srcs, T0, PR, PN, Sid) :-
source_new_sid_(t1, Sid),
( copy_term([PR, PN], [PR1, PN1]),
source_db_add_(Sid, t1(Srcs, T0, PR1, PN1))
), Sid, 'OPEN'
:- meta_predicate
source_open_(+, 0, -).
source_open_(AnsP, G, Sid) :-
source_new_sid_(t0, Sid),
( source_open__do(Sid, AnsP, G)
), Sid, 'OPEN'
:- meta_predicate
source_open__do(+, +, 0).
source_open__do(Sid, AnsP, G) :-
source_open__pre(Sid, AnsP, G, [Pid, Tid, GExec]),
source_open__all(Sid, Pid, Tid, GExec, ErrA1),
( source_err_(ErrA1, true, _)
-> source_open__abort(Sid, ErrA2)
; true
source_throw_([ErrA1, ErrA2]),
source_log_(Sid, 'OPEN', 'OPENED').
:- meta_predicate
source_open__pre(+, +, 0, -).
source_open__pre(Sid, AnsP, G, [Pid, Tid, GExec]) :-
copy_term([AnsP, G], [AnsP1, G1]),
source_sid_key(Sid, Tid),
atom_concat(Tid, '_p', Pid),
GExec = source_exec(Sid, AnsP1, G1).
:- meta_predicate
source_open__all(+, +, +, 0, -).
source_open__all(Sid, Pid, Tid, GExec, ErrA) :-
( source_db_add_(Sid, t0(Pid, Tid)),
message_queue_create(_, [alias(Pid)]),
thread_create(GExec, _, [alias(Tid)])
), ErrA
source_open__abort(Sid, ErrA) :-
source_close_(Sid), ErrA
% source_close_ (+Sid) is det
source_close_(Sid) :-
source_sid_type(Sid, t1), !,
( source_db_del_(Sid)
), Sid, 'CLOSE'
source_close_(Sid) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t0(Pid, Tid)),
( source_close__do(Sid, Pid, Tid)
), Sid, 'CLOSE'
source_close__do(Sid, Pid, Tid) :-
source_close__thread(Sid, Tid, StaT, ErrA1),
source_close__queue(Pid, ErrA2),
source_close__db(Sid, ErrA3),
source_throw_([ErrA1, ErrA2, ErrA3]),
source_log_(Sid, 'CLOSE', '~|CLOSED~8+(StaT = ~w)', [StaT]).
source_close__thread(Sid, Tid, StaT, ErrA) :-
( ( thread_property(Tid, status(running))
-> source_msg_send_(Sid, 'CLOSE', Tid, close)
; true
), thread_join(Tid, StaT)
), ErrA
source_close__queue(Qid, ErrA) :-
message_queue_destroy(Qid), ErrA
source_close__db(Sid, ErrA) :-
source_db_del_(Sid), ErrA
% source_reset_ (+Sid) is det
% source_next_ (+Sid, ?Ans) is semidet
% source_next_begin_ (+Sid) is det
% source_next_end_ (+Sid, ?Ans) is semidet
source_reset_(Sid) :-
source_sid_type(Sid, t1), !,
source_db_get_(Sid, t1(Srcs, T0, PR, _)),
( source_reset__do(Srcs, PR, T0, T1),
source_next__t1_state(Sid, T1)
), Sid, 'RESET'
source_reset_(Sid) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t0(_, Tid)),
( source_reset__do(Sid, 'RESET', Tid)
), Sid, 'RESET'
source_next_(Sid, Ans) :-
source_sid_type(Sid, t1), !,
source_db_get_(Sid, t1(Srcs, T0, _, PN)),
( source_next__do(Srcs, PN, T0, T1, Ans),
source_next__t1_state(Sid, T1)
), Sid, 'NEXT'
source_next_(Sid, Ans) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t0(Pid, Tid)),
( source_next_begin__do(Sid, 'NEXT', Tid),
source_next_end__do(Sid, 'NEXT', Pid, Ans)
), Sid, 'NEXT'
source_next_begin_(Sid) :-
source_sid_type(Sid, t1), !,
( true
), Sid, 'NEXT_B'
source_next_begin_(Sid) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t0(_, Tid)),
( source_next_begin__do(Sid, 'NEXT_B', Tid)
), Sid, 'NEXT_B'
source_next_end_(Sid, Ans) :-
source_sid_type(Sid, t1), !,
source_db_get_(Sid, t1(Srcs, T0, _, PN)),
( source_next__do(Srcs, PN, T0, T1, Ans),
source_next__t1_state(Sid, T1)
), Sid, 'NEXT_E'
source_next_end_(Sid, Ans) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t0(Pid, _)),
( source_next_end__do(Sid, 'NEXT_E', Pid, Ans)
), Sid, 'NEXT_E'
source_next__t1_state(Sid, T1) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t1(Srcs, T0, PR, PN)),
( T1 \== T0
-> source_db_del_(Sid),
source_db_add_(Sid, t1(Srcs, T1, PR, PN))
; true
:- meta_predicate
source_reset__do(+, 3, +, -).
source_reset__do(Srcs, PR, T0, T1) :-
call(PR, Srcs, T0, T1), !.
:- meta_predicate
source_next__do(+, 4, +, -, ?).
source_next__do(Srcs, PN, T0, T1, Ans) :-
call(PN, Srcs, T0, T1, Ans1), !, Ans = Ans1.
source_reset__do(Sid, Act, Tid) :-
source_msg_send_(Sid, Act, Tid, reset).
source_next_begin__do(Sid, Act, Tid) :-
source_msg_send_(Sid, Act, Tid, next).
source_next_end__do(Sid, Act, Pid, Ans) :-
source_msg_recv_(Sid, Act, Pid, Msg),
( Msg = fail -> Ans = answer(fail, no)
; Msg = last(AnsP) -> Ans = answer(last, the(AnsP))
; Msg = more(AnsP) -> Ans = answer(more, the(AnsP))
; Msg = except(Err) -> throw(Err)
; throw(source_error(unknown_message(data, Sid, Msg), _))
%! source_exec (+Sid, ?AnsP, :G) is det
:- public
:- meta_predicate
source_exec(+, ?, 0).
source_exec(Sid, AnsP, G) :-
source_db_get_(Sid, t0(Pid, Tid)),
source_exec__loop_0(Sid, Pid, Tid, AnsP, G),
source_msg_send_(Sid, 'EXEC', Pid, except(Err))
), Sid, 'EXEC'
:- meta_predicate
source_exec__loop_0(+, +, +, ?, 0).
source_exec__loop_0(Sid, Pid, Tid, AnsP, G) :-
source_msg_recv_(Sid, 'EXEC', Tid, Msg),
( Msg == reset -> fail
; Msg == close -> !
; Msg == next -> !,
source_exec__loop_1(Sid, Pid, Tid, AnsP, G)
; throw(source_error(unknown_message(ctrl, Sid, Msg), _))
:- meta_predicate
source_exec__loop_1(+, +, +, ?, 0).
source_exec__loop_1(Sid, Pid, Tid, AnsP, G) :-
source_exec__loop_2(Sid, Pid, AnsP, G),
source_exec__recv(Sid, Tid, Loop1, Loop2).
:- meta_predicate
source_exec__loop_2(+, +, ?, 0).
source_exec__loop_2(Sid, Pid, AnsP, G) :-
( call_cleanup(G, Det = true),
( Det == true
-> source_msg_send_(Sid, 'EXEC', Pid, last(AnsP))
; source_msg_send_(Sid, 'EXEC', Pid, more(AnsP))
source_log_(Sid, 'EXEC', '~|CALLED~8+(Det = ~w)', [Det])
; repeat,
source_msg_send_(Sid, 'EXEC', Pid, fail)
source_exec__recv(Sid, Tid, Loop1, Loop2) :-
source_msg_recv_(Sid, 'EXEC', Tid, Msg),
( Msg == next -> fail
; Msg == close -> prolog_cut_to(Loop1)
; Msg == reset -> prolog_cut_to(Loop2),
source_exec__recv(Sid, Tid, Loop1, Loop2)
; throw(source_error(unknown_message(ctrl, Sid, Msg), _))
% source_msg_send_ (+Sid, +Act, +Qid, +Msg) is det
% source_msg_recv_ (+Sid, +Act, +Qid, -Msg) is det
source_msg_send_(Sid, Act, Qid, Msg) :-
thread_send_message(Qid, Msg),
source_log_msg_(Sid, Act, '>>', Msg).
source_msg_recv_(Sid, Act, Qid, Msg) :-
thread_get_message(Qid, Msg),
source_log_msg_(Sid, Act, '<<', Msg).
% source_catch_ (:GAct, -ErrA) is det
% source_throw_ (+ErrAs) is det
% source_err_ (+ErrA, -HasErr, -Err) is det
:- meta_predicate
source_catch_(0, -).
source_catch_(GAct, ErrA) :-
( call(GAct),
HasErr = false
Err, HasErr = true
source_err_(ErrA, HasErr, Err).
source_throw_(ErrAs) :-
source_throw___loop(ErrAs, Errs),
( Errs = [] -> true
; Errs = [Err] -> throw(Err)
; throw(source_error(many_errors, Errs))
source_throw___loop([], []).
source_throw___loop([ErrA| ErrAs], Errs) :-
source_err_(ErrA, HasErr, Err),
( HasErr == true
-> Errs = [Err| Errs1]
; Errs = Errs1
source_throw___loop(ErrAs, Errs1).
source_err_(ErrA, HasErr, Err) :-
ErrA = err(HasErr, Err).
% source_log_act_ (:GAct, +Sid, +Act) is det
% source_log_msg_ (+Sid, +Act, +Dir, +QMsg) is det
% source_log_ (+Sid, +Act, +Msg1) is det
% source_log_ (+Sid, +Act, +Fmt1, +Args1) is det
:- meta_predicate
source_log_act_(0, +, +).
source_log_act_(GAct, Sid, Act) :-
source_log_(Sid, Act, 'Start...'),
source_log_(Sid, Act, 'Done.')
source_log_msg_(Sid, Act, Dir, QMsg) :-
( debugging(nan_kernel)
-> ( Act == 'EXEC'
-> (Dir == '>>' -> Typ = data ; Typ = ctrl)
; (Dir == '>>' -> Typ = ctrl ; Typ = data)
Args = [Dir, Typ, QMsg],
source_log__do(Sid, Act, '~|--~a--~8+(~a) ~w', Args)
; true
source_log_(Sid, Act, Msg1) :-
( debugging(nan_kernel)
-> source_log__do(Sid, Act, Msg1, [])
; true
source_log_(Sid, Act, Fmt1, Args1) :-
( debugging(nan_kernel)
-> source_log__do(Sid, Act, Fmt1, Args1)
; true
source_log__do(Sid, Act, Fmt1, Args1) :-
Tm1 is floor(float_fractional_part(Tm / 100) * 100_000),
format(atom(TM), '~3d', [Tm1]),
Term = nan_kernel__source(Sid, Act, TM, Fmt1, Args1),
print_message(informational, Term).
:- multifile
prolog:message(nan_kernel__source(Sid, Act, TM, Fmt1, Args1)) -->
{ source_sid_sel_(_, TNum, Id, Sid),
format(atom(Msg1), Fmt1, Args1),
Args = [TM, TNum, Id, Act, Msg1]
}, ['~a : source(t~d, ~d) : ~|~w~6+ : ~a'-Args].
% source_db_exists_ (+Sid, ?Exists) is semidet
%! source_db_gen (?Sid, ?Term) is nondet
% source_db_add_ (+Sid, +Term) is det
% source_db_get_ (+Sid, -Term) is det
% source_db_del_ (+Sid) is det
source_db_exists_(Sid, Exists) :-
source_sid_key(Sid, Key),
( recorded(Key, _)
-> Exists = true
; Exists = false
:- public
source_db_gen(Sid, Term) :-
recorded(Key, Term),
source_sid_key(Sid, Key).
source_db_add_(Sid, Term) :-
source_db__val(has_not, Sid, Key),
recordz(Key, Term).
source_db_get_(Sid, Term) :-
source_db__val(has, Sid, _, Term, _).
source_db_del_(Sid) :-
source_db__val(has, Sid, _, _, Ref),
source_db__val(has_not, Sid, Key) :-
source_sid_key(Sid, Key),
( \+ recorded(Key, _)
-> true
; throw(source_error(record_exists_already(Sid, Key), _))
source_db__val(has, Sid, Key, Term, Ref) :-
source_sid_key(Sid, Key),
( recorded(Key, Term, Ref)
-> true
; throw(source_error(record_does_not_exist(Sid, Key), _))
%! source_sid (+Source, -Sid) is semidet
%! source_sid (-Source, +Sid) is det
%! source_sid_type (+Sid, -Type) is det
%! source_sid_key (+Sid, -Key) is det
%! source_sid_key (-Sid, +Key) is det
% source_sid_sel_ (+Type, +TNum, +Id, -Sid) is det
% source_sid_sel_ (-Type, -TNum, -Id, +Sid) is det
% source_new_sid_ (+Type, -Sid) is det
:- public
source_sid(source(Type, Id), Sid) :-
source_sid__do(Type, _, Id, Sid).
source_sid_type(Sid, Type) :-
source_sid__do(Type, _, _, Sid).
source_sid_key(Sid, Key) :-
var(Key), !,
source_sid__do(_, TNum, Id, Sid),
ACs = [nan_kernel__source__t, TNum, '__', Id],
atomic_list_concat(ACs, Key).
source_sid_key(Sid, Key) :-
atom_concat(nan_kernel__source__t, K1, Key),
sub_atom(K1, 0, 1, _, TVal),
sub_atom(K1, 3, _, 0, IdVal),
atom_number(TVal, TNum),
atom_number(IdVal, Id),
source_sid__num(type, TNum),
source_sid__num(id, Id),
source_sid_sel_(_, TNum, Id, Sid).
source_sid__do(Type, TNum, Id, Sid) :-
source_sid_sel_(Type, TNum, Id, Sid),
source_sid__num(type, TNum),
source_sid__num(id, Id).
source_sid_sel_(t1, 1, Id, t1(Id)) :- !.
source_sid_sel_(t0, 0, Id, t0(Id)).
source_sid__num(type, Num) :-
integer(Num), Num >= 0, Num =< 1.
source_sid__num(id, Num) :-
integer(Num), Num >= 0.
source_new_sid_(Type, Sid) :-
flag(nan_kernel__source, Id, Id + 1),
succ(Id, Id1),
source_sid_sel_(Type, _, Id1, Sid).
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