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Last active November 9, 2023 10:06
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Prolog Puzzles
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
How to calculate this probability?
Originally from a question by "Houwu Chen":
UPDATED 2015-04-27: Fixed a bug in to_digit_probs__do/4.
- There is a reference word *R* with `K` bits, every bit of the word having the same
probability `pm` of being zero.
- There are `D` candidate words *Ws* also with `K` bits, every bit of every of these words
having the same probability `ph` of being zero.
- A candidate word *C* is selected from *Ws*, such that it has the minimum number
of different bits from *R*, i.e. the minimum hamming distance from *R*.
Now, what is the probability that every bit in *C* is zero?
?- to_digit_probs([0.9],PDsS),to_digit_probs([0.2],PDsW).
PDsS = [9 rdiv 10, 1 rdiv 10],
PDsW = [1 rdiv 5, 4 rdiv 5].
?- time(test_comb_digits_prob(2,2,[0,0],$PDsS,$PDsW,_PDs)).
[0,0] -> [ 0.30752, 0.30752 ]
% 6,295 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
?- time((test_comb_digits_prob(2,2,Ds,$PDsS,$PDsW,_PDs),fail;true)).
[0,0] -> [ 0.30752, 0.30752 ]
[0,1] -> [ 0.30752, 0.69248 ]
[1,0] -> [ 0.69248, 0.30752 ]
[1,1] -> [ 0.69248, 0.69248 ]
% 25,151 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.016 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
?- time(test_comb_digits_prob(3,3,[0,0,0],$PDsS,$PDsW,_PDs)).
[0,0,0] -> [ 0.35839, 0.35839, 0.35839 ]
% 697,322 inferences, 0.328 CPU in 0.328 seconds (100% CPU, 2128564 Lips)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
% (SWI-Prolog)
:- use_module(library(aggregate)).
%% test_comb_digits_prob(+L, +M, +PDsS, +PDsW, -PDs)
test_comb_digits_prob(L, M, Ds, PDsS, PDsW, PDs) :-
string(L, Ds),
comb_digits_prob(Ds, M, PDsS, PDsW, PDs),
write(Ds), write(' -> [ '),
writeln(' ]').
test_comb_digits_prob__wrt([PDH, PDH1| PDT]) :-
format('~5f, ', [PDH]),
test_comb_digits_prob__wrt([PDH1| PDT]).
test_comb_digits_prob__wrt([PDH]) :-
format('~5f', [PDH]).
%% comb_digits_prob(+Ds, +M, +PDsS, +PDsW, -PDs)
comb_digits_prob(Ds, M, PDsS, PDsW, PDs) :-
length(Ds, L),
( comb_string_prob(L, M, R, PDsS, PDsW, PR),
comb_digits_prob__ws(Ds, R, PR, PDsR)
comb_digits_prob__sum(0, Ds, R_PDsR_Pairs, PDs).
comb_digits_prob__ws([DH| DT], [RH| RT], PR, [PDH| PDT]) :-
( DH =:= RH
-> PDH is PR
; PDH is 0 rdiv 1
comb_digits_prob__ws(DT, RT, PR, PDT).
comb_digits_prob__ws([], [], _, []).
comb_digits_prob__sum(I, [DH| DT], R_PDsR_Pairs, [PDH| PDT]) :-
comb_digits_prob__sum_rs(I, DH, R_PDsR_Pairs, 0 rdiv 1, PDH),
I1 is I + 1,
comb_digits_prob__sum(I1, DT, R_PDsR_Pairs, PDT).
comb_digits_prob__sum(_, [], _, []).
comb_digits_prob__sum_rs(I, DI, [R-PDsR| R_PDsR_T], Sum0, Sum) :-
string_digit(I, R, DR),
( DI == DR
-> list_element(I, PDsR, PDR),
Sum1 is Sum0 + PDR
; Sum1 is Sum0
comb_digits_prob__sum_rs(I, DI, R_PDsR_T, Sum1, Sum).
comb_digits_prob__sum_rs(_, _, [], Sum, Sum).
%% comb_string_prob(+L, +M, -R, +PDsS, +PDsW, -PR)
comb_string_prob(L, M, R, PDsS, PDsW, PR) :-
( string(L, S),
comb_string_prob__ws(L, M, Ws),
comb_prob(S, Ws, R, PDsS, PDsW, PComb)
), PR
comb_string_prob__ws(L, M, [W| Ws]) :-
M > 0, !,
M0 is M - 1,
string(L, W),
comb_string_prob__ws(L, M0, Ws).
comb_string_prob__ws(_, 0, []).
%% comb_prob(+S, +Ws, -R, +PDsS, +PDsW, -PComb)
comb_prob(S, [W| Ws], R, PDsS, PDsW, PComb) :-
string_prob(S, PDsS, PS),
string_prob(W, PDsW, PW),
string_diff(S, W, Diff0),
PComb0 is PS * PW,
comb_prob__do(S, Ws, Diff0, W, R, PDsW, PComb0, PComb).
comb_prob__do(S, [W| Ws], Diff0, R0, R, PDsW, PComb0, PComb) :-
string_prob(W, PDsW, PW),
string_diff(S, W, DiffW),
( DiffW < Diff0
-> Diff1 is DiffW, R1 = W
; Diff1 is Diff0, R1 = R0
PComb1 is PComb0 * PW,
comb_prob__do(S, Ws, Diff1, R1, R, PDsW, PComb1, PComb).
comb_prob__do(_, [], _, R, R, _, PComb, PComb).
%% string_prob(+S, +PDs, -PS)
string_prob(S, PDs, PS) :-
string_prob__do(S, PDs, 1 rdiv 1, PS).
string_prob__do([SH| ST], PDs, PS0, PS) :-
digit_prob(SH, PDs, PSH),
PS1 is PS0 * PSH,
string_prob__do(ST, PDs, PS1, PS).
string_prob__do([], _, PS, PS).
%% digit_prob(+D, +PDs, -PD)
digit_prob(D, PDs, PD) :-
digit_idx(D, ID),
list_element(ID, PDs, PD).
%% string(?S)
%% string(+L, ?S)
%% string_digit(+I, +S, -D)
%% string_diff(+R, +S, -Diff)
string(S) :-
string(_, S).
string(L, S) :-
length(S, L),
string__do(L, S).
string__do(L, [SH| ST]) :-
L > 0, !,
L0 is L - 1,
string__do(L0, ST).
string__do(0, []).
string_digit(I, S, D) :-
list_element(I, S, D).
string_diff(R, S, D) :-
string_diff__do(R, S, 0, D).
string_diff__do([RH| RT], [SH| ST], Diff0, Diff) :-
digit_diff(RH, SH, DiffH),
Diff1 is Diff0 + abs(DiffH),
string_diff__do(RT, ST, Diff1, Diff).
string_diff__do([], [], Diff, Diff).
%% digit(?D)
%% digit_cnt(-L)
%% digit_idx(+D, -I)
%% digit_diff(+D0, +D1, -Diff)
digit_idx(D, I) :-
I is D.
digit_diff(D0, D1, Diff) :-
Diff is D1 - D0.
%% to_digit_probs(+PDs0, -PDs)
%% list_element(+I, +Es, -E)
to_digit_probs(PDs0, PDs) :-
L0 is L - 1,
length(PDs0, L0),
to_digit_probs__do(L0, PDs0, 0 rdiv 1, PDs).
to_digit_probs__do(L, [PDH0| PDT0], PDSum0, [PDH| PDT]) :-
L > 0, !,
L0 is L - 1,
PDH is rationalize(PDH0),
PDSum1 is PDSum0 + PDH,
to_digit_probs__do(L0, PDT0, PDSum1, PDT).
to_digit_probs__do(0, [], PDSum0, [PDH]) :-
PDSum0 =< 1,
PDH is 1 - PDSum0.
list_element(I, [_| T], E) :-
I > 0, !,
I0 is I - 1,
list_element(I0, T, E).
list_element(0, [E| _], E).
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