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A simple script to copy a Basecamp classic todo list
over to Blimp as a goal with tasks
@author: Dave Jeffery
pip install git+git://
pip install blimp
import blimp
from basecamp import Basecamp
import elementtree.ElementTree as ET
bc = Basecamp('', 'username', 'password')
bl = blimp.Client('username', 'api_key', 'app_id', 'app_secret')
def _get_todo_list(id):
xml = bc.todo_list(id)
todo_list = {
'name': ET.fromstring(xml).find('name').text,
'items': []
items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('todo-items/todo-item')
for item in items:
return todo_list
def _iterate_and_print(obj):
for obj in obj['objects']:
print str(obj['id']) + ': ' + obj['name']
def _create_task_list(todo_list, project_id):
project_uri = '/api/v2/project/' + str(project_id) + '/'
goal_data = {
'project': project_uri,
'title': todo_list['name'],
goal = bl.goal.create(goal_data)
print "Populating the task list..."
i = 0
for todo in todo_list['items']:
task_data = {
'goal': goal['resource_uri'],
'title': todo
i = i + 1
print "Added " + str(i) + " tasks."
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Enter the id of the Basecamp todo list you want to copy over:"
bc_todo_id = int(raw_input("> "))
print "Fetching todos..."
todo_list = _get_todo_list(bc_todo_id)
print "Done!"
print "\nOk, lets find the Blimp project that you wish to copy this todo list to..."
companies =
print "\nEnter the `id` of the *company* (or just press enter to choose the first option):"
company_id = raw_input("> ") or companies['objects'][0]['id']
projects = bl.project(params={'company': company_id})
print "\nEnter the `id` of the *project* (or just press enter to choose the first option):"
project_id = raw_input("> ") or projects['objects'][0]['id']
print "\nOk, creating the task list..."
_create_task_list(todo_list, project_id)
print "Aww yeah, we're done! Exiting."
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