I attempted to recreate the visual with animated elipses for this assignment. I watched the assigned videos, which helped me become a bit more familiar with the different formats I might see data in on the web, a more thorough understanding of JSON and the layout/structure of code in general.
I imported my data as a .csv file and was able to preload it. When I referenced other students' work I was able to get a bit further in my own code, not because I mindlessly copied what they had but I was able to dissect it and understand why some of the parts (like variables) needed to be there and how to code those in.
One thing that I realized doing this assignment is that I wish I had collaborated with other students so that we could collaboratively problem solve rather than individually experiencing many of the same challenges. I think it may have been a more productive use of my time and I would like to reach out to see if anyone else is interested in sharing ideas/ challenges/ thoughts for this upcoming assignment.
I also realized that although I felt very lost on this assignment I did gain a better understanding of some things that we had learned in earlier weeks. The amount of exposure that we have had has been both overwhelming and reinforcing, if that makes sense.
This week I am looking forward to working with code that is already there and changing pieces of it. Since my foundation is still very unstable I think this will be a good opportunity to gain more clarity on the basics that I may not have totally grasped earlier but also taking on a task that is more managable and less discouraging.
Coding is not easy and teaching coding to a bunch of non-coders might feel as impossible as it feels for me to learn it. BUT I want to let you know that I have learned A TON since Day 1. I see ways where I can apply these skills and I have many ideas for data sets that I would love to code in some way, which is motivating me to keep building up this foundation. So thank you for your patience, hard work in preparing/pivoting to make things work for us, and for sharing your enthusiasm with us!