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Last active October 12, 2021 23:24
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Wizeline Academy - 2021 React Bootcamp Project

Wizeline Academy - React Bootcamp 2021/Q4


Thank you for participating in the 2021 - Q4 React Bootcamp! Here you will find all the instructions to complete your Capstone Project.

The purpose of this project is for you to demonstrate your React skills. This is your chance to show off everything you have learned during this bootcamp!

You will build and deliver an entire React application on your own from scratch. The project is divided into weekly deliverables, in which you will apply the concepts learned in the assignments and live sessions. Each deliverable has its own information on what and how we expect you to deliver throughout the bootcamp.

We hope you find this project challenging and engaging!

The Project

Create an Ecommerce Store where you can buy furniture and home decor items. It should have the following sections:

  • Home Page
  • Product List Page
  • Product Detail Page
  • Search Results Page
  • Shopping Cart Page
  • Checkout Page

We don’t want to limit you or bias your implementation by providing some demo application with a specific design, but instead, ask you to choose your own and build it from scratch. Here’s a link where you can find great ideas and inspiration for your UI design:


We provide the delivery dates to plan accordingly; please take this project seriously and try to make progress constantly. If you are struggling with something or get stuck at some point, please schedule a mentoring session to get help on time. Feel free to use the slack channel available.

  • Deliverable 1 - (Due Date: Monday, October 18th)
  • Deliverable 2 - (Due Date: Monday, October 25th)
  • Deliverable 3 - (Due Date: Monday, November 1st)
  • Deliverable 4 - (Due Date: Monday, November 8th)
  • Final Deliverable - (Due Date: Monday, November 15th)

Deliverable 1

Related topics: React Fundamentals & CSS Styles in React

In this assignment, you will create the initial version of your Ecommerce Store. It should contain the following:

  • Home Page (prototype)

Before you start

  1. Fork this repo into your GitHub account
  2. Please make sure that your new repo is publicly accessible
  3. Create a new branch with the name “feat/deliverable1” derived from main on your forked repository
  4. Start working on the requirements specified below


  1. Create the UI layout for your app, it should include the following elements:
    • 1.1. A Header containing your Ecommerce Store logo/name, a search input, and a shopping cart icon. For now, all the elements in the header should be disabled, you only need to create the corresponding UI elements without the functionality.
    • 1.2. The Content view corresponding to the section that will be rendered (in this case, the Home Page)
    • 1.3. A Footer containing the message “Ecommerce created during Wizeline’s Academy React Bootcamp”
  2. Create the Home Page including the following blocks:
    • 2.1. A Slider to display the featured banners from this mock file
    • 2.2. A Carousel or Grid of the product categories from this mock file
    • 2.3. A Grid of Featured Products from this mock file. For each element on this grid, you should show at least the main image of the product, its name, category, and price.


  • Try to keep the use of third-party libraries to the minimum, especially the ones related to the topics covered in our bootcamp. Please don’t use any UI library such as Bootstrap or Material UI, we want you to create all of your styles from scratch using the styling techniques learned.
  • Please make sure that your UI is responsive and all the elements adapt to different screen sizes (Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop).
  • Please make sure that no warnings or errors are logged in the browser console

Evaluation Criteria

  • The Header is rendered correctly (25 points)
  • The Featured Banners Slider is rendered correctly using the data from the mock file (20 points)
  • The Categories Carousel/Grid is rendered correctly using the data from the mock file (20 points)
  • The Featured Products Grid is rendered correctly using the data from the mock file (30 points)
  • The Footer is rendered correctly (5 points)


  • Unit Test to validate that the Ecommerce Store logo/name appears correctly in the Header. (10 points)

Submitting your Deliverable

  • Once you’ve covered all the requirements specified above and completed all the bullets on the Evaluation Criteria section, push your changes to your branch and open a PR that can be merged into your main branch of your own GitHub repository.
  • Deploy your app into a hosting service such as Netlify, Firebase, Heroku, GitHub Pages, etc.
  • Fill this Google Form to submit your project before October 18th at 8:00 AM (CST)
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