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Created July 10, 2019 23:19
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Kelly Sizing Optimizer for Monte Carlo Samples in Pytorch
def kelly_loss(c_assets, r_assets, spreads, spread_loss):
Maximizes exponential rate of wealth growth
NOTE: the samples must be in the same order.
the assumption is that the returns are realized
in the same way.
c_assets: (nasset) tensor of coefficients (normalized)
r_assets: (nasset X nsamples) tensor of returns.
nsamples = r_assets.shape[1]
log_cr_p1 = tch.log(tch.einsum('k,ki->i',c_assets,r_assets)+1.)
return (-1./nsamples)*tch.sum(log_cr_p1)
def lagrange_term(c_assets, multiplier):
return tch.flatten((tch.sum(c_assets) - 1.).relu_().unsqueeze(0)*multiplier)
def OptimizeSizing(return_samples, under_samples, spreads,
spread_loss = .7, npos = 4, no_short=True):
The sizing optimizer seeks to build a portfolio of assets, based on
samples from the return distribution and a few commonsense constraints.
uses a lagrangian to fix the sum of investments and cash to one.
NOTE: the samples must be in the same order.
the assumption is that the returns are realized
in the same way.
return_samples: (nasset X nsamples) array
under_samples: (nsamples) array of the underlying
spreads: spreads on each asset (percent) to discount returns.
nasset = return_samples.shape[0]
# the coefficients to be minimized:
# The first param is the Lagrange Multiplier
c_asset = tch.nn.Parameter(tch.ones(nasset).double()*((1e-2)/nasset),requires_grad=True)
multiplier = tch.nn.Parameter(tch.tensor([1.]).double(),requires_grad=True)
optimizer = tch.optim.Adam([c_asset,multiplier], lr=0.002, weight_decay=0.0, amsgrad=False)
loss_value = tch.tensor([10.],requires_grad=True).double()
last_loss = tch.tensor([20.],requires_grad=False).double()
iter = 0
maxiter = 1500
while(iter < maxiter and tch.abs(loss_value-last_loss)>1e-14):
last_loss = loss_value
loss_value = kelly_loss(c_asset, return_samples, spreads, spread_loss) + lagrange_term(c_asset,multiplier)
with tch.no_grad():
print("Iter: ", iter,"Loss:", loss_value.item()," dloss ", tch.abs(loss_value-last_loss))
iter += 1
return c_asset.detach()
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