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Last active June 29, 2017 22:01
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Example: using werkzeug cache with flask.render_template_string
>>> # flask shell
>>> from short_templates import *
>>> NameTemplate.render(site_name='Flask', name='John')
u'Thank you for visiting Flask. I am John.'
>>> NameDateTemplate.render(site_name='Flask', name='John')
u'Thank you for visiting Flask. I am John. Today is 2017-06-29.'
# app/
import json
from datetime import date
from flask import render_template_string
from werkzeug.contrib.cache import SimpleCache # or Redis or Memcache
cache = SimpleCache()
class CachedTemplateString(object):
"""Subclass me and make the template my docstring. I will cache the results."""
_cache = cache
def render(cls, **kwargs):
params = cls.defaults()
key = cls.make_key(**params)
val = cls._cache.get(key)
if val is None:
val = render_template_string(cls.__doc__, **params)
cls._cache.set(key, val)
return val
def make_key(cls, **kwargs):
return json.dumps((cls.__name__, kwargs))
def defaults(cls):
return {}
class NameTemplate(CachedTemplateString):
"""Thank you for visiting {{site_name}}. I am {{name}}."""
class NameDateTemplate(CachedTemplateString):
__doc__ = NameTemplate.__doc__ + " Today is {{today}}."
def defaults(cls):
return {'today':}
def make_key(cls, today=None, **kwargs):
return super(NameDateTemplate, cls).make_key(today=str(today),
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