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Created December 8, 2016 11:49
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Process EC2 price list csv with SQLite to get RI prices
-- curl | tail -n +6 > ec2.csv.no_head
-- sqlite> .mode csv
-- sqlite> .import ec2.csv.no_head ec2
-- sqlite> .save ec2.sqlite
WITH prices AS (
loc AS (
SELECT "Asia Pacific (Sydney)" AS Location, "ap-southeast-2" AS Region
UNION SELECT "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "ap-southeast-1"
UNION SELECT "US East (N. Virginia)", "us-east-1"
UNION SELECT "South America (Sao Paulo)", "sa-east-1"
UNION SELECT "US West (Oregon)", "us-east-1"
UNION SELECT "US West (N. California)", "us-west-1"
UNION SELECT "EU (Ireland)", "eu-west-1"
os AS (
SELECT "Operating System", "Pre Installed S/W"
FROM ec2
"Operating System" != "RHEL" AND
"Operating System" != "SUSE" AND
"Operating System" != "NA" AND
"Pre Installed S/W" != "SQL Server Enterprise" AND
--NOT ("Operating System" = "Windows" AND "Pre Installed S/W" = "NA") AND
"Operating System" != ""
GROUP BY "Operating System", "Pre Installed S/W"
os."Operating System",
os."Pre Installed S/W",
"Instance Type",
CAST("PricePerUnit" AS REAL) AS PricePerUnit,
FROM ec2
JOIN loc ON (loc.Location = ec2.Location)
JOIN os ON (os."Operating System" = ec2."Operating System" AND os."Pre Installed S/W" = ec2."Pre Installed S/W")
Currency = "USD" AND
Tenancy = "Shared"
os."Operating System",
os."Pre Installed S/W",
"Instance Type",
"Operating System",
"Pre Installed S/W",
"Instance Type",
printf("%s %s %s %s", Region, "Operating System", "Pre Installed S/W", "Instance Type") AS Lookup,
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.TermType = 'OnDemand' AND prices.Unit = 'Hrs' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "On Demand ($/h)",
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.LeaseContractLength = '1yr' AND prices.Unit = 'Hrs' AND prices.PurchaseOption = 'All Upfront' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "1yr All Upfront ($/h)",
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.LeaseContractLength = '1yr' AND prices.Unit = 'Quantity' AND prices.PurchaseOption = 'All Upfront' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "1yr All Upfornt ($)",
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.LeaseContractLength = '1yr' AND prices.Unit = 'Hrs' AND prices.PurchaseOption = 'No Upfront' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "1yr No Upfront ($/h)",
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.LeaseContractLength = '1yr' AND prices.Unit = 'Quantity' AND prices.PurchaseOption = 'No Upfront' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "1yr No Upfront ($)",
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.LeaseContractLength = '1yr' AND prices.Unit = 'Hrs' AND prices.PurchaseOption = 'Partial Upfront' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "1yr Partial Upfront ($/h)",
MAX(CASE WHEN prices.LeaseContractLength = '1yr' AND prices.Unit = 'Quantity' AND prices.PurchaseOption = 'Partial Upfront' THEN prices.PricePerUnit ELSE 0.0 END) AS "1yr Partial Upfront ($)"
FROM prices
--WHERE "Instance Type" = "t2.small" AND Region = "eu-west-1"
"Operating System",
"Pre Installed S/W",
"Instance Type"
"Operating System",
"Pre Installed S/W",
"Instance Type"
select * from ec2 where SKU = "N6KDUVR23T758UUC";
select * from ec2 where RateCode = "3PG53PNNDP3K6N2V.6QCMYABX3D.2TG2D8R56U" OR RateCode = "UY4SMYZQCJ58224G.6QCMYABX3D.2TG2D8R56U";
select * from ec2 where RateCode = "N6KDUVR23T758UUC.HU7G6KETJZ.2TG2D8R56U";
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