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Created December 14, 2016 22:15
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New Relic plugin agent sample configuration file
%YAML 1.2
wake_interval: 60
#newrelic_api_timeout: 10
#proxy: http://localhost:8080
# name: hostname
# scheme: http
# host: localhost
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# port: 80
# path: /server-status
# name: localhost
# host: localhost
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# port: 5984
# username: foo
# password: bar
# name: Clustername
# host: localhost
# port: 9200
# scheme: http
# name: hostname
# scheme: http
# host: localhost
# port: 80
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# path: /haproxy?stats;csv
# name: localhost
# host: localhost
# port: 11211
# path: /path/to/unix/socket
# name: hostname
# host: localhost
# port: 27017
# admin_username: user
# admin_password: pass
# ssl: False
# ssl_keyfile: /path/to/keyfile
# ssl_certfile: /path/to/certfile
# ssl_cert_reqs: 0 # Should be 0 for ssl.CERT_NONE, 1 for ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, 2 for ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
# ssl_ca_certs: /path/to/cacerts file
# databases:
# - test
# - yourdbname
#mongodb: # Use when authentication is required
# name: hostname
# host: localhost
# port: 27017
# admin_username: user
# admin_password: pass
# ssl: False
# ssl_keyfile: /path/to/keyfile
# ssl_certfile: /path/to/certfile
# ssl_cert_reqs: 0 # Should be 0 for ssl.CERT_NONE, 1 for ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, 2 for ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
# ssl_ca_certs: /path/to/cacerts file
# databases:
# test:
# username: user
# password: pass
# yourdbname:
# username: user
# password: pass
# name: hostname
# scheme: http
# host: localhost
# port: 80
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# path: /nginx_stub_status
# host: localhost
# port: 6000
# user: stats
# name: hostname
# scheme: http
# host: localhost
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# port: 80
# path: /apc-nrp.php
# - name: fpm-pool
# scheme: https
# host: localhost
# port: 443
# path: /fpm_status
# query: json
# host: localhost
# port: 5432
# user: postgres
# dbname: postgres
# superuser: False
# name: rabbitmq@localhost
# host: localhost
# port: 15672
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# username: guest
# password: guest
# vhosts: # [OPTIONAL, track this vhosts' queues only]
# production_vhost:
# queues: [encode_video, ] # [OPTIONAL, track this queues only]
# staging_vhost: # [track every queue for this vhost]
# - name: localhost
# host: localhost
# port: 6379
# db_count: 16
# password: foo # [OPTIONAL]
# #path: /var/run/redis/redis.sock
# - name: localhost
# host: localhost
# port: 6380
# db_count: 16
# password: foo # [OPTIONAL]
# #path: /var/run/redis/redis.sock
# name: localhost
# host:
# verify_ssl_cert: true
# port: 8098
# name: localhost
# host: localhost
# port: 1717
# path: /path/to/unix/socket
user: newrelic
pidfile: /var/run/newrelic/
format: '%(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s %(process)-6d %(processName) -15s %(threadName)-10s %(name) -45s %(funcName) -25s L%(lineno)-6d: %(message)s'
class : logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
formatter: verbose
filename: /var/log/newrelic/newrelic-plugin-agent.log
maxBytes: 10485760
backupCount: 3
level: INFO
propagate: True
handlers: [console, file]
level: ERROR
propagate: True
handlers: [console, file]
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