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Last active May 17, 2024 12:41
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Save jpatters/4553139 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decodes a password from HeidiSQL. HeidiSQL passwords can be found in the registry. Use File -> Export Settings to dump all settings. Great for if you forget a password.
function heidiDecode(hex) {
var str = '';
var shift = parseInt(hex.substr(-1));
hex = hex.substr(0, hex.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2)
str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16) - shift);
return str;
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Godtooro commented Mar 31, 2020

Awesome! Thank u! We owe you one.
All the best.

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And how encode a password?

I need to generate a settings file for Heidi with php for my all databases connections?

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Thank you!

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Pes8 commented Aug 2, 2021

Thank You all :)

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Thank you!

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@IsraelIglesiasBIT not sure if you still need it considering this comment was two years ago, but here's a PowerShell solution for encoding passwords for Heidi:

    $heidiPass = "password"
    $obfuscatedPass = ''
    $shift = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $heidiPass.Length; $i++) {
        $char = [int][char]$heidiPass[$i] + $shift
        $hex = $char.ToString("X")
        $obfuscatedPass += $hex
    $obfuscatedPass += $shift.ToString()

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elgarfo commented Nov 23, 2022

a javascript snippet to encode a password:

function heidiCrypt(plain) {
  crypted = ""
  shift = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
  for(i = 0; i < plain.length; i++) {
    crypted += (plain.charCodeAt(i) + shift).toString(16).toUpperCase();
  return crypted + shift;


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@IsraelIglesiasBIT not sure if you still need it considering this comment was two years ago, but here's a PowerShell solution for encoding passwords for Heidi:

    $heidiPass = "password"
    $obfuscatedPass = ''
    $shift = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $heidiPass.Length; $i++) {
        $char = [int][char]$heidiPass[$i] + $shift
        $hex = $char.ToString("X")
        $obfuscatedPass += $hex
    $obfuscatedPass += $shift.ToString()

😄 👍

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Genius. This saved me big time. Thank you!

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for nodejs and extract host,port,user,password and save to file

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Nice, this saved me a few hours to find my old password backup
just in case, here is a MSX BASIC version of the code 😎😁

20 st$ = ""
30 sh = VAL(RIGHT$(h$, 1))
40 h$ = LEFT$(h$, LEN(h$) -1)
50 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(h$) STEP 2
60 st$ = st$ +  CHR$(VAL("&h" + MID$(h$, i, 2)) - sh)
70 NEXT i
80 PRINT st$

If you don't believe me, try it on

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