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Last active March 15, 2022 13:15
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Tutorial pymongo
import pymongo
# Connect
# Through a MongoDB URI. The database should contain permissions for the user, if provided
client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://user:password@host/database')
# Create database
db = client["database"]
# Create collection
coll = db["collection"]
# Reference database/collection
coll = client.database.collection
# Insert
import datetime
post1 = {"author": "Mike", "text": "My first blog post!", "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
post2 = {"author": "Mike", "text": "My second blog post!", "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
# one
inserted_id = coll.insert_one(post1).inserted_id
# many
inserted_ids = coll.insert_many([post1, post2]).inserted_ids
# Query
# one
post = coll.find_one({"author": "Mike"}) # returns the object
# many
cursor = coll.find({"author": "Mike"}) # returns Cursor
for post in cursor:
print post
# Delete
# one
deleted_count = coll.delete_one({"author": "Mike"}).deleted_count
# many
deleted_count = coll.delete_many({"author": "Mike"}).deleted_count
# Update
# one
modified_count = coll.update_one({"author": "Mike"}, {"title": ""}).modified_count
# many
modified_count = coll.update_many({"author": "Mike"}, {"title": ""}).modified_count
# Indexing
# create
coll.create_index([('user_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) # can be multiindex
# list
# Data transformations through "Aggregations"
pipeline = [
{'$match': {'author': 'Mike'}}, #like find() syntax
{'$project': {
'name': '$author' #rename field
'text': True #include field
'comments': {'$literal': []}, #create field
{'$out': 'superposts'} #write to new collection
# Delete collection
# Delete database
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