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Last active May 30, 2024 13:25
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PowerShell class for extended Semantic Version support that is compatible with PowerShell 5.1 to parse, compare, and sort version strings.
class SemanticVersionExtended {
Represents a Semantic Version (SemVer).
Creates a new instance of the SemanticVersionExtended class.
SemanticVersionExtended([int]$Major, [int]$Minor, [int]$Patch, $PreReleaseLabel, $BuildLabel, [bool]$CreateDict = $false) {
$this.Major = $Major
$this.Minor = $Minor
$this.Patch = $Patch
$this.PreReleaseLabel = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$this.ProcessLabel($PreReleaseLabel, $this.PreReleaseLabel)
$this.BuildLabel = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$this.ProcessLabel($BuildLabel, $this.BuildLabel)
if ($CreateDict) {
$date = New-Object DateTime
$this.PreReleaseLabelDict = $this.CreateLabelDict($this.PreReleaseLabel, $date)
$this.BuildLabelDict = $this.CreateLabelDict($this.BuildLabel, $date)
hidden [void] ProcessLabel($label, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$labelList) {
if ($label -is [array]) {
foreach ($item in $label) {
if ($item -is [string]) {
$this.ProcessItem($item, $labelList)
else {
throw "Invalid label value of type: $($item.GetType().FullName)"
elseif ($label -is [string]) {
$this.ProcessItem($label, $labelList)
else {
throw "Invalid label value of type: $($label.GetType().FullName)"
hidden [void] ProcessItem([string]$item, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$labelList) {
$splitResult = $item.Split('.')
foreach ($item in $splitResult) {
hidden [hashtable] CreateLabelDict([System.Collections.ArrayList]$labelList, [DateTime]$date) {
$dict = @{}
if ($labelList.Count % 2 -eq 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $labelList.Count; $i += 2) {
if ($labelList[$i + 1] -match '^\d+$') {
[void]$labelList.Add([int]$labelList[$i + 1])
elseif ($labelList[$i + 1] -eq 'true' -or $labelList[$i + 1] -eq 'false') {
[void]$labelList.Add([bool]::Parse($labelList[$i + 1]))
elseif ([DateTime]::TryParse($labelList[$i + 1], [ref]$date)) {
$dict[$labelList[$i]] = $date
else {
$dict[$labelList[$i]] = $labelList[$i + 1]
return $dict
Converts the pre-release label to a string.
[string] PreReleaseLabelToString() {
if ($this.PreReleaseLabel) {
return "-$($this.PreReleaseLabel -join '.')"
else { return '' }
Converts the build label to a string.
[string] BuildLabelToString() {
if ($this.BuildLabel) {
return "+($this.BuildLabel -join '.')"
else { return '' }
Converts the SemanticVersionExtended object to a semantic version compatible string.
[string] ToString() {
$preRelease = $this.PreReleaseLabelToString()
$build = $this.BuildLabelToString()
return "$($this.Major).$($this.Minor).$($this.Patch)$preRelease$build"
Parses a Semantic Version (SemVer) string.
This function parses a version string and returns a SemanticVersionExtended object.
The version string could be in the format 'Major.Minor.Patch-PreReleaseLabel+BuildLabel' or 'Major.Minor.Patch.Revision' or a mix of it.
Some common prefixes like 'v' or '<SHA265> refs/tags/v' or 'Version:' are automatically removed.
.PARAMETER versionString
The version string to parse.
If specified, the function returns the version as a string.
.PARAMETER createDict
If specified, the function creates a dictionary for the pre-release and build labels.
static [object] Parse([string]$versionString, [bool]$asString = $false, [bool]$createDict = $false) {
if ($null -ne $Matches) { $Matches.Clear() }
$null = $versionString -match '^(?:.*refs\/tags\/v|.*Version *:? *|v)?(?<Major>\d+)(?:(?:\.(?<Minor>\d+))?(?:(?:\.(?<Patch>\d+))?(?:\.(?<Revision>\d+))?)?)?(?:-(?<PreReleaseLabel>[0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+(?<BuildLabel>[0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$'
if ($Matches.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "Invalid version string: $versionString" -ErrorAction Stop
$lMajor = [int]$Matches['Major']
$lMinor = if ($null -ne $Matches['Minor']) { [int]$Matches['Minor'] } else { 0 }
$lPatch = if ($null -ne $Matches['Patch']) { [int]$Matches['Patch'] } else { 0 }
$lRevision = if ($null -ne $Matches['Revision']) { [int]$Matches['Revision'] }
$lPreReleaseLabel = if ($null -ne $Matches['PreReleaseLabel']) { $Matches['PreReleaseLabel'] } else { '' }
$lBuildLabel = if ($null -ne $Matches['BuildLabel']) { $Matches['BuildLabel'] } else { '' }
if ($null -ne $lRevision -and $lBuildLabel -notmatch '^Rev(?:ision)?\.\d+') {
$lBuildLabel = "Rev.$lRevision$lBuildLabel"
if ($asString) {
return "$lMajor.$lMinor.$lPatch$(if ($lPreReleaseLabel) { "-$lPreReleaseLabel" })$(if ($lBuildLabel) { "+$lBuildLabel" })"
else {
return [SemanticVersionExtended]::new($lMajor, $lMinor, $lPatch, $lPreReleaseLabel, $lBuildLabel, $createDict)
Compares two version strings. Returns a negative number if $v1 is less than $v2, zero if $v1 is equal to $v2, or a positive number if $v1 is greater than $v2.
Can be used in the [Array]::Sort method as a custom comparer.
This function compares two SemVer version strings and returns:
- a negative number if $v1 is less than $v2
- zero if $v1 is equal to $v2
- a positive number if $v1 is greater than $v2
In other words, if the function returns a positive number, $v1 is the newer version.
static [int] Compare($v1, $v2) {
$semVer1 = $null
$semVer2 = $null
try {
# Convert the version strings to SemanticVersionExtended objects
$semVer1 = if ($v1 -is [SemanticVersionExtended]) { $v1 } elseif ($v1 -is [string]) { [SemanticVersionExtended]::Parse($v1, $false, $false) } else { Write-Error "Invalid type for version 1: $($v1.GetType().FullName)" -ErrorAction Stop }
$semVer2 = if ($v2 -is [SemanticVersionExtended]) { $v2 } elseif ($v2 -is [string]) { [SemanticVersionExtended]::Parse($v2, $false, $false) } else { Write-Error "Invalid type for version 2: $($v2.GetType().FullName)" -ErrorAction Stop }
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message -ErrorAction Stop
# Compare the major, minor, and patch versions
foreach ($part in 'Major', 'Minor', 'Patch') {
if ($semVer1.$part -ne $semVer2.$part) {
return $semVer1.$part - $semVer2.$part
# Compare the revision if it exists
if ($semVer1.BuildLabel -and $semVer2.BuildLabel) {
$revision1 = if ($semVer1.BuildLabel -match '^Rev(?:ision)?\.(\d+)') { [int]$matches[1] } else { $null }
$revision2 = if ($semVer2.BuildLabel -match '^Rev(?:ision)?\.(\d+)') { [int]$matches[1] } else { $null }
if ($null -ne $revision1 -and $null -ne $revision2) {
if ($revision1 -ne $revision2) {
return $revision1 - $revision2
# If one version has a pre-release tag and the other doesn't, the one without is greater
if ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel -and !$semVer2.PreReleaseLabel) { return -1 }
if (!$semVer1.PreReleaseLabel -and $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel) { return 1 }
# If both versions have pre-release tags, compare them
if ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel -and $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel) {
# Compare each part of the pre-release tag
for ($i = 0; $i -lt [Math]::Max($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel.Count, $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel.Count); $i++) {
# If one pre-release tag is shorter and all previous parts are equal, it is smaller
if ($i -ge $semVer1.PreReleaseLabel.Count) { return -1 }
if ($i -ge $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel.Count) { return 1 }
# If both parts are numeric, compare them numerically
if ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -match '^\d+$' -and $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -match '^\d+$') {
if ([int]$semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -ne [int]$semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i]) {
return [int]$semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] - [int]$semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i]
# If one part is numeric and the other isn't, the numeric one is smaller
elseif ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -match '^\d+$') {
return -1
elseif ($semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -match '^\d+$') {
return 1
# If both parts are non-numeric, compare them lexicographically
elseif ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -ne $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i]) {
if ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -lt $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i]) { return -1 }
if ($semVer1.PreReleaseLabel[$i] -gt $semVer2.PreReleaseLabel[$i]) { return 1 }
# If all parts are equal, the versions are equal
return 0
Sorts an array of version strings.
static [string[]] SortVersions([string[]]$versions) {
# Define a custom comparer
$comparer = [System.Collections.Generic.Comparer[Object]]::Create({
param($v1, $v2)
return [SemanticVersionExtended]::Compare($v1, $v2)
# Sort the array using the custom comparer
try {
[Array]::Sort($versions, $comparer)
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to sort versions: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorAction Stop
# Output each sorted version
return $versions
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