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Last active May 12, 2019 18:33
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Installing TA Dependencies


Verify installation

nvm --verision -> 0.34.0

Didn't work? Follow these instructions (use the cUrl command):


Use v8.15.1 (requires nvm to be installed)

nvm install 8.15.1 -> This will install 8.15.1 if it is not already, and switch to that version automatically.

Verify v8.15.1 is being used

node --version -> 8.15.1


npm install -g mocha -> Installs mocha globally. If you run into a permissions error, run

sudo npm install -g mocha

Verify installation

mocha --version -> 6.1.4


npm install -g nodemon -> Installs nodemon globally. If you run into a permissions error, run

sudo npm install -g nodemon

Verify installation

nodemon --version -> 1.19.0


npm install -g webpack -> Installs webpack globally. If you run into a permissions error, run

sudo npm install -g webpack

Verify installation

webpack --version -> 4.29.6


npm install -g bower -> Installs bower globally. If you run into a permissions error, run

sudo npm install -g bower

Verify installation

bower --version -> 1.8.8

mysql v5.7

Verify installation

mysql --version -> The output should contain Distrib 5.7.25

If there is a different version number in front of Distrib, please flag down a proctor to help you!

If mysql is not installed (and you are using a Mac), follow the below instructions.

To install - MAC USERS ONLY

Ensure Homebrew is installed

brew --version

If Homebrew is not installed, install it

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install mysql 5.7

brew install mysql@5.7

Install brew services

brew tap homebrew/services

Run the mysql service

brew services start mysql@5.7

Ensure mysql@5.7 service is running

brew services list -> Output should include mysql@5.7 started

Force link mysql

brew link mysql@5.7 --force

Add mysql to your path (this will allow you to execute the mysql command in your terminal)

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Verify installation (see above)

Ensure you are able to log in

Try mysql -u root

Case: No pre-set password

If the above command opened up the mysql shell, press ctrl + d to exit the shell, then change your root password (Don't forget it!)

Run mysqladmin -u root password 'your-new-password-here'

Test logging in with your new password by running mysql -u root -p. Enter your password. If you see the mysql shell, you are done installing mysql!

Case: It gives an Access denied message

Check your terminal window at the section that you ran brew install mysql@5.7, and look for a provided password, make a note of it when you find it (If you don't, please flag down a proctor). /Then execute the following command (with a new password) to change your password:/

mysqladmin -u root -p password 'your-new-password-here'

It will prompt for a password. Enter the password that was provided.

Test logging in with your new password by running mysql -u root -p. Enter your password. If you see the mysql shell, you are done installing mysql!


Follow the instructions under 'Install and Run MongoDB with Homebrew'

Verify installation

mongo --version -> MongoDB shell version v4.0.3

mongod --version -> db version v4.0.3

Run mongo. If the Mongo shell appears, you are done!

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