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Created May 18, 2021 17:30
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Pitch shifter G09.pitchshift.pd
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
// shift: transposition in semitones
// wt: window time
// dt: delay time
mspShifter(shift, wt, dt, sig) = mix with {
// speed change
sc = exp(.0577622650*shift); // 2^(shift/12.0)
// tape head rotation frequency
tf = sc : -(1.0) : ma.neg : /(wt);
// phasors
ph(0) = x letrec { 'x = bidiWrap(x+tf/ma.SR); };
ph(1) = ph(0) : +(0.5) : uniWrap;
// crossfades
xf(i) = xfWave(0.5*(ph(i)-0.5)); /* cos((ph(i)-0.5)*ma.PI) */
xfWave(x) = si.interpolate(fp,y1,y2) with {
size = 128;
table = rdtable(size, os.coswaveform(size));
pos = bidiWrap(x)*size;
y1 = table(int(pos));
y2 = table((int(pos)+1)%size);
fp = pos-int(pos);
// delay times
delt(i) = wt*ph(i)+dt;
// delay lines
dell(i) = sig : de.fdelay(65536, delt(i)*ma.SR);
// mix
mix = sum(i, 2, dell(i)*xf(i));
// utility
uniWrap(p) = p-int(p);
bidiWrap(p) = ba.if(p>0, p, 1.0+p) : uniWrap;
process = par(i, 2, mspShifter(s, w, 0.0)) with {
s = hslider("[1] shift (semitones)", 0.0, -12.0, 12.0, 0.1);
w = hslider("[2] window (ms)", 120.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0) : *(1e-3);
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