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Last active April 18, 2024 10:34
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updating vscode-postgressql to work on apple silicon

vscode-postgresql for apple silicon

The currently published version of vscode-postgresql (0.3.0) uses a very old version of pgsqltoolsservice that doesn't support Apple silicon, newer versions do but the extension is not configured to use the newer versions.

While waiting on Microsoft's team to accept a PR, there are small changes to fix this now.

  • Install the psql extension
  • Navigate to the extension root on the file system (normally ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-ossdata.vscode-postgresql-0.3.0/)
  • Update two files: config.json and platform.js
  • Reload the window or close/restart vscode


this is the config file; make three changes:

  • update the pgtools version to v1.10.0 (current as of Dec 2023)
  • add a new downloadFileName item: "OSX_10_11_ARM": "osx-arm64.tar.gz"
  • update the executableFiles array with the new file names; pgtoolsservice_main becomes ossdbtoolsservice_main:
"executableFiles": [


this is the file that figures out the platform - windows, mac, etc. Here we need to make three changes:

  • add an OSX_ARM runtime (around line 20): Runtime[Runtime["OSX_10_11_ARM"] = 'OSX_10_11_ARM'] = "OSX_10_11_ARM";

update the case to include ARM as OSX (around line 36):

case Runtime.OSX_10_11_64:
case Runtime.OSX_10_11_ARM:
    return 'OSX';

in the getRuntimeId method (near line 181), update the darwin case to set the architecture:

case 'darwin':
    switch (architecture) {
        // Note: We return the El Capitan RID for Sierra
        case 'x86_64': return Runtime.OSX_10_11_64;
        case 'arm64': return Runtime.OSX_10_11_ARM;
    throw new Error(`Unsupported macOS architecture: ${architecture}`);
"service": {
"downloadUrl": "{#version#}/pgsqltoolsservice-{#fileName#}",
"version": "v1.10.0",
"downloadFileNames": {
"Windows_7_86": "",
"Windows_7_64": "",
"OSX_10_11_64": "osx.tar.gz",
"OSX_10_11_ARM": "osx-arm64.tar.gz",
"CentOS_7": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"Debian_8": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"Fedora_23": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"OpenSUSE_13_2": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"SLES_12_2": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"RHEL_7": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"Ubuntu_14": "linux-x64.tar.gz",
"Ubuntu_16": "linux-x64.tar.gz"
"installDir": "../pgsqltoolsservice/{#version#}/{#platform#}",
"executableFiles": [
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const child_process = require("child_process");
const fs = require("fs");
const os = require("os");
const semver = require('semver');
const plist = require('plist');
const unknown = 'unknown';
var Runtime;
(function (Runtime) {
Runtime[Runtime["UnknownRuntime"] = 'Unknown'] = "UnknownRuntime";
Runtime[Runtime["UnknownVersion"] = 'Unknown'] = "UnknownVersion";
Runtime[Runtime["Windows_7_86"] = 'Windows_7_86'] = "Windows_7_86";
Runtime[Runtime["Windows_7_64"] = 'Windows_7_64'] = "Windows_7_64";
Runtime[Runtime["OSX_10_11_64"] = 'OSX_10_11_64'] = "OSX_10_11_64";
Runtime[Runtime["OSX_10_11_ARM"] = 'OSX_10_11_ARM'] = "OSX_10_11_ARM";
Runtime[Runtime["CentOS_7"] = 'CentOS_7'] = "CentOS_7";
Runtime[Runtime["Debian_8"] = 'Debian_8'] = "Debian_8";
Runtime[Runtime["Fedora_23"] = 'Fedora_23'] = "Fedora_23";
Runtime[Runtime["OpenSUSE_13_2"] = 'OpenSUSE_13_2'] = "OpenSUSE_13_2";
Runtime[Runtime["SLES_12_2"] = 'SLES_12_2'] = "SLES_12_2";
Runtime[Runtime["RHEL_7"] = 'RHEL_7'] = "RHEL_7";
Runtime[Runtime["Ubuntu_14"] = 'Ubuntu_14'] = "Ubuntu_14";
Runtime[Runtime["Ubuntu_16"] = 'Ubuntu_16'] = "Ubuntu_16";
})(Runtime = exports.Runtime || (exports.Runtime = {}));
function getRuntimeDisplayName(runtime) {
switch (runtime) {
case Runtime.Windows_7_64:
return 'Windows';
case Runtime.Windows_7_86:
return 'Windows';
case Runtime.OSX_10_11_64:
case Runtime.OSX_10_11_ARM:
return 'OSX';
case Runtime.CentOS_7:
return 'CentOS';
case Runtime.Debian_8:
return 'Debian';
case Runtime.Fedora_23:
return 'Fedora';
case Runtime.OpenSUSE_13_2:
return 'OpenSUSE';
case Runtime.SLES_12_2:
return 'SLES';
case Runtime.RHEL_7:
return 'RHEL';
case Runtime.Ubuntu_14:
return 'Ubuntu14';
case Runtime.Ubuntu_16:
return 'Ubuntu16';
return 'Unknown';
exports.getRuntimeDisplayName = getRuntimeDisplayName;
class PlatformInformation {
constructor(platform, architecture, distribution = undefined) {
this.platform = platform;
this.architecture = architecture;
this.distribution = distribution;
try {
this.runtimeId = PlatformInformation.getRuntimeId(platform, architecture, distribution);
catch (err) {
this.runtimeId = undefined;
isWindows() {
return this.platform === 'win32';
isMacOS() {
return this.platform === 'darwin';
isLinux() {
return this.platform === 'linux';
isValidRuntime() {
return this.runtimeId !== undefined && this.runtimeId !== Runtime.UnknownRuntime && this.runtimeId !== Runtime.UnknownVersion;
getRuntimeDisplayName() {
return getRuntimeDisplayName(this.runtimeId);
isMacVersionLessThan(version) {
if (this.isMacOS) {
try {
let versionInfo = plist.parse(fs.readFileSync('/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist', 'utf-8'));
if (versionInfo && versionInfo['ProductVersion'] &&['ProductVersion'], version)) {
return true;
catch (e) {
// do nothing for now. Assume version is supported
return false;
toString() {
let result = this.platform;
if (this.architecture) {
if (result) {
result += ', ';
result += this.architecture;
if (this.distribution) {
if (result) {
result += ', ';
result += this.distribution.toString();
return result;
static GetCurrent() {
let platform = os.platform();
let architecturePromise;
let distributionPromise;
switch (platform) {
case 'win32':
architecturePromise = PlatformInformation.GetWindowsArchitecture();
distributionPromise = Promise.resolve(undefined);
case 'darwin':
architecturePromise = PlatformInformation.GetUnixArchitecture();
distributionPromise = Promise.resolve(undefined);
case 'linux':
architecturePromise = PlatformInformation.GetUnixArchitecture();
distributionPromise = LinuxDistribution.GetCurrent();
throw new Error(`Unsupported platform: ${platform}`);
return architecturePromise.then(arch => {
return distributionPromise.then(distro => {
return new PlatformInformation(platform, arch, distro);
static GetWindowsArchitecture() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE === 'x86' && process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 === undefined) {
else {
static GetUnixArchitecture() {
return this.execChildProcess('uname -m')
.then(architecture => {
if (architecture) {
return architecture.trim();
return undefined;
static execChildProcess(process) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
child_process.exec(process, { maxBuffer: 500 * 1024 }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
if (stderr && stderr.length > 0) {
reject(new Error(stderr));
* Returns a supported .NET Core Runtime ID (RID) for the current platform. The list of Runtime IDs
* is available at
static getRuntimeId(platform, architecture, distribution) {
// Note: We could do much better here. Currently, we only return a limited number of RIDs that
// are officially supported.
switch (platform) {
case 'win32':
switch (architecture) {
case 'x86': return Runtime.Windows_7_86;
case 'x86_64': return Runtime.Windows_7_64;
throw new Error(`Unsupported Windows architecture: ${architecture}`);
case 'darwin':
switch (architecture) {
// Note: We return the El Capitan RID for Sierra
case 'x86_64': return Runtime.OSX_10_11_64;
case 'arm64': return Runtime.OSX_10_11_ARM;
throw new Error(`Unsupported macOS architecture: ${architecture}`);
case 'linux':
if (architecture === 'x86_64') {
// First try the distribution name
let runtimeId = PlatformInformation.getRuntimeIdHelper(, distribution.version);
// If the distribution isn't one that we understand, but the 'ID_LIKE' field has something that we understand, use that
// NOTE: 'ID_LIKE' doesn't specify the version of the 'like' OS. So we will use the 'VERSION_ID' value. This will restrict
// how useful ID_LIKE will be since it requires the version numbers to match up, but it is the best we can do.
if (runtimeId === Runtime.UnknownRuntime && distribution.idLike && distribution.idLike.length > 0) {
for (let id of distribution.idLike) {
runtimeId = PlatformInformation.getRuntimeIdHelper(id, distribution.version);
if (runtimeId !== Runtime.UnknownRuntime) {
if (runtimeId !== Runtime.UnknownRuntime && runtimeId !== Runtime.UnknownVersion) {
return runtimeId;
// If we got here, this is not a Linux distro or architecture that we currently support.
throw new Error(`Unsupported Linux distro: ${}, ${distribution.version}, ${architecture}`);
// If we got here, we've ended up with a platform we don't support like 'freebsd' or 'sunos'.
// Chances are, VS Code doesn't support these platforms either.
throw Error('Unsupported platform ' + platform);
static getRuntimeIdHelper(distributionName, distributionVersion) {
switch (distributionName) {
case 'arch':
case 'antergos':
// NOTE: currently Arch Linux seems to be compatible enough with Ubuntu 16 that this works,
// though in the future this may need to change as Arch follows a rolling release model.
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
case 'ubuntu':
if (distributionVersion.startsWith('14')) {
// This also works for Linux Mint
return Runtime.Ubuntu_14;
else if (distributionVersion.startsWith('16')) {
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
case 'elementary':
case 'elementary OS':
if (distributionVersion.startsWith('0.3')) {
// Elementary OS 0.3 Freya is binary compatible with Ubuntu 14.04
return Runtime.Ubuntu_14;
else if (distributionVersion.startsWith('0.4')) {
// Elementary OS 0.4 Loki is binary compatible with Ubuntu 16.04
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
case 'linuxmint':
if (distributionVersion.startsWith('18') || distributionVersion.startsWith('19')) {
// Linux Mint 18 is binary compatible with Ubuntu 16.04
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
case 'centos':
case 'ol':
// Oracle Linux is binary compatible with CentOS
return Runtime.CentOS_7;
case 'fedora':
return Runtime.Fedora_23;
case 'opensuse':
return Runtime.OpenSUSE_13_2;
case 'sles':
return Runtime.SLES_12_2;
case 'rhel':
return Runtime.RHEL_7;
case 'debian':
case 'deepin':
return Runtime.Debian_8;
case 'galliumos':
if (distributionVersion.startsWith('2.0')) {
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
return Runtime.Ubuntu_16;
exports.PlatformInformation = PlatformInformation;
* There is no standard way on Linux to find the distribution name and version.
* Recently, systemd has pushed to standardize the os-release file. This has
* seen adoption in "recent" versions of all major distributions.
class LinuxDistribution {
constructor(name, version, idLike) { = name;
this.version = version;
this.idLike = idLike;
static GetCurrent() {
// Try /etc/os-release and fallback to /usr/lib/os-release per the synopsis
// at
return LinuxDistribution.FromFilePath('/etc/os-release')
.catch(() => LinuxDistribution.FromFilePath('/usr/lib/os-release'))
.catch(() => Promise.resolve(new LinuxDistribution(unknown, unknown)));
toString() {
return `name=${}, version=${this.version}`;
static FromFilePath(filePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (error, data) => {
if (error) {
else {
static FromReleaseInfo(releaseInfo, eol = os.EOL) {
let name = unknown;
let version = unknown;
let idLike = undefined;
const lines = releaseInfo.split(eol);
for (let line of lines) {
line = line.trim();
let equalsIndex = line.indexOf('=');
if (equalsIndex >= 0) {
let key = line.substring(0, equalsIndex);
let value = line.substring(equalsIndex + 1);
// Strip quotes if necessary
if (value.length > 1 && value.startsWith('"') && value.endsWith('"')) {
value = value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
else if (value.length > 1 && value.startsWith('\'') && value.endsWith('\'')) {
value = value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
if (key === 'ID') {
name = value;
else if (key === 'VERSION_ID') {
version = value;
else if (key === 'ID_LIKE') {
idLike = value.split(' ');
if (name !== unknown && version !== unknown && idLike !== undefined) {
return new LinuxDistribution(name, version, idLike);
exports.LinuxDistribution = LinuxDistribution;
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raianul commented Feb 4, 2024

Hi I'm trying to use this snippet in my mac m1, but vs code always having connecting status.

VS Code:
Version: 1.85.2 (Universal)
Commit: 8b3775030ed1a69b13e4f4c628c612102e30a681
Date: 2024-01-18T06:40:32.531Z
Electron: 25.9.7
ElectronBuildId: 26354273
Chromium: 114.0.5735.289
Node.js: 18.15.0
OS: Darwin arm64 22.5.0

Mac: Mac M1 Os: MacOS Ventura

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traxeon commented Feb 27, 2024

This worked for me

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