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Last active July 13, 2022 14:39
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teams apple silicon updater without rosetta
# teams updater for apple silicon macs
# today, while universal binaries exist for teams, the teams installer actually contains two packages:
# - the teams app itself
# - the MSTeamsAudioDriver - I think it's related to playing music/hi-fi audio in teams, not sure tho
# `MSTeamsAudioDriver.pkg` is still x64, so the main teams installer will ask to install rosetta
# to get around this, we unpack the installer pkg,
# look for the package (`Teams_osx_app.pkg`, at least for now), and
# expand the Payload, which is `Microsoft`.
# once expanded, it's copied into `/Applications` after killing any running teams processes
# lastly it cleans up the tmp dir it uses as scratch space
# usage:
# - no arguments downloads latest public teams installer package from microsoft
# - or pass in the name of an already-acquired teams_osx.pkg
# e.g.,
# `teamsup ~/Downloads/Teams_osx.pkg`
# not supported, no warranties, use at your own risk, tip your server, etc
echo "Setting up working directory $WORK"
echo "Default package path $TEAMS_PKG_PATH"
mkdir -p $WORK
cd $WORK
function stopTeams() {
# stop teams, but exclude this grep command from the PID kill list
# since we're searching for the pattern, this command will also appear, so the second grep is to ignore grep
# i feel like there's prob a better way to do this, but a bash wizard I am not
ps -fe | grep "Microsoft" | grep -wv "grep" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
function getTeams(){
# this is the public download url for teams mac - it will redirect a few times, but this links should always
# get the latest teams installer that is publicly released
# using progress-bar here because of the redirects it gets sort of messy
curl -L "" -o $TEAMS_PKG_PATH --progress-bar
function updateTeams() {
echo "Expanding package, looking for Teams_osx_app.pkg"
pkgutil --expand $TEAMS_PKG_PATH $WORK/teamspkg #>> $WORK/pkgutil.log
echo "Expanding payload to Microsoft"
tar -xf $WORK/teamspkg/Teams_osx_app.pkg/Payload #>> $WORK/payload.log
# there are lots of different version strings - package versions (through mdls, for example) or pkginfo
# or even parsing PackageInfo - the Info.plist seems to reflect the teams app version that's represented in-app
# so this is related not to the package version specifically (or the larger package that includes the MSTeamsAudioDriver
# but rather the .app itself. At least so far as I can tell :D
OLD_VER=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy /Applications/Microsoft\ -c "print CFBundleGetInfoString")
echo "Current installed version: $OLD_VER"
NEW_VER=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy $WORK/Microsoft\ -c "print CFBundleGetInfoString")
echo "New version: $NEW_VER"
if [[ $OLD_VER == $NEW_VER ]] ; then
echo "Same version, nothing to do"
return 0 ;
echo "Upgrading $OLDVER --> $NEWVER"
FILE_TYPE=$(file $WORK/Microsoft\
if [[ $FILE_TYPE == *"arm64"* ]]; then
echo "This is an arm64 binary, moving to Applications..."
# moving the old file, copying the new, then deleting the old. it's annoying but
# copying never seemed to quite work correctly
/bin/mv /Applications/Microsoft\ /Applications/
/bin/cp -Rf ./Microsoft\ /Applications/
/bin/rm -rf /Applications/
echo "This is not an arm64 binary, exiting. If you really want this, copy it manually."
function cleanup() {
echo "Removing schmutz"
rm -rf $WORK
echo "Stopping Teams"
if [ "$1" == '' ] ; then
echo "Downloading teams package..."
echo "setting path to $1" ;
echo "Got the file, working on $TEAMS_PKG_PATH from $(pwd)"
echo "finished"
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