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Created November 2, 2013 15:21
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Save jpdevries/7821026f9d863ca23c90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JPs-MacBook-Pro-2:teleport jP$ php teleport.phar --action=Extract --profile=profile/rtfm_com.profile.json --tpl=phar://teleport.phar/tpl/complete.tpl.json
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR @ phar:///Users/jP/Sites/teleport/teleport.phar/src/Teleport/Action/Extract.php : 370) PHP warning: include(/Users/jP/Sites/teleport/tpl/scripts/extract/basepathassets.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR @ phar:///Users/jP/Sites/teleport/teleport.phar/src/Teleport/Action/Extract.php : 370) PHP warning: include(): Failed opening '/Users/jP/Sites/teleport/tpl/scripts/extract/basepathassets.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/Cellar/php55/5.5.5/lib/php')
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR @ /Users/jP/Sites/lodx/RTFM/core/xpdo/cache/xpdocachemanager.class.php : 365) PHP warning: copy(tpl/scripts/truncate.tables.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR) xPDOCacheManager->copyFile(): Could not copy file tpl/scripts/truncate.tables.php to /Users/jP/Sites/teleport/workspace/rtfm_com_complete-131102.0821.27-2.2.10-pl/xPDOScriptVehicle/f3f74a7830f17c1ee59f01edf8a73a6e.truncate.tables.script
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR) Source file tpl/scripts/truncate.tables.php is missing or /Users/jP/Sites/teleport/workspace/rtfm_com_complete-131102.0821.27-2.2.10-pl/xPDOScriptVehicle/f3f74a7830f17c1ee59f01edf8a73a6e.truncate.tables.script could not be written
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR @ phar:///Users/jP/Sites/teleport/teleport.phar/src/Teleport/Action/Extract.php : 203) PHP warning: include(/Users/jP/Sites/teleport/tpl/scripts/extract/modtransportpackage.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] (ERROR @ phar:///Users/jP/Sites/teleport/teleport.phar/src/Teleport/Action/Extract.php : 203) PHP warning: include(): Failed opening '/Users/jP/Sites/teleport/tpl/scripts/extract/modtransportpackage.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/Cellar/php55/5.5.5/lib/php')
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Created new transport package with signature: rtfm_com_complete-131102.0821.27-2.2.10-pl
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOFileVehicle from /Users/jP/Sites/lodx/RTFM/core/components
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOFileVehicle from /Users/jP/Sites/lodx/RTFM/assets
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOScriptVehicle from tpl/scripts/truncate.tables.php
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOObjectVehicles for class modSystemSetting
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessAction
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessActionDom
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessCategory
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 3 total objects for class modAccessContext
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessElement
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessMenu
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 214 total objects for class modAccessPermission
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 11 total objects for class modAccessPolicy
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 6 total objects for class modAccessPolicyTemplate
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 5 total objects for class modAccessPolicyTemplateGroup
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessResource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessResourceGroup
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modAccessTemplateVar
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 77 total objects for class modAction
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modActionDom
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 76 total objects for class modActionField
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modCategory
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modCategoryClosure
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modChunk
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 9 total objects for class modClassMap
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 7 total objects for class modContentType
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 2 total objects for class modContext
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modContextResource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 2 total objects for class modContextSetting
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modDashboard
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 5 total objects for class modDashboardWidget
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 5 total objects for class modDashboardWidgetPlacement
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modElementPropertySet
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 168 total objects for class modEvent
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modFormCustomizationProfile
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modFormCustomizationProfileUserGroup
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modFormCustomizationSet
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modLexiconEntry
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 47 total objects for class modMenu
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modNamespace
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modPlugin
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modPluginEvent
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modPropertySet
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modResource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modResourceGroup
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modResourceGroupResource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modSnippet
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 207 total objects for class modSystemSetting
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modTemplate
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modTemplateVar
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modTemplateVarResource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modTemplateVarResourceGroup
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modTemplateVarTemplate
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modUser
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modUserProfile
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modUserGroup
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modUserGroupMember
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 2 total objects for class modUserGroupRole
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modUserMessage
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class modUserSetting
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class modWorkspace
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class transport.modTransportProvider
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOObjectVehicles for class transport.modTransportPackage
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class sources.modAccessMediaSource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 1 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 1 total objects for class sources.modMediaSource
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class sources.modMediaSourceElement
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Packaged 0 xPDOCollectionVehicles with 0 total objects for class sources.modMediaSourceContext
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] No non-core tables found for packaging
[2013-11-02 08:21:27] Successfully extracted from instance rtfm_com
JPs-MacBook-Pro-2:teleport jP$
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