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Created December 19, 2016 04:59
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Convenience Script for Executing CommandsAcross all Redis Swarm Services.
#./ 7001 5 redis-cluster-m- CLUSTER INFO
readonly STARTING_PORT=$1
readonly NUM_MASTERS=$2
readonly NAME_PREFIX=$3
readonly REDIS_CMD=("${@:4}")
readonly LOCAL_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -f name="$NAME_PREFIX" -q | head -n 1)
readonly LOCAL_PORT=$(docker inspect --format='{{index .Config.Labels ""}}' "$LOCAL_CONTAINER_ID" | sed 's|.*-||')
for ((port = STARTING_PORT, endPort = port + NUM_MASTERS; port < endPort; port++)) do
host=$([ "$LOCAL_PORT" == $port ] && echo "" || echo "$NAME_PREFIX$port")
printf "\n%s\n" "$NAME_PREFIX$port:~\$ ${REDIS_CMD[*]}"
docker exec -it "$LOCAL_CONTAINER_ID"\
redis-cli -h "$host" -p "$port"\
exit 0
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