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Last active June 7, 2016 04:05
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Jedipus Redis Pub/Sub
final Node node = Node.create("", 6379);
final String channel = "jedipus";
final RedisClientFactory.Builder clientFactory = RedisClientFactory.startBuilding();
final ElementRetryDelay<Node> nodeRetryDelay =
final RedisClientExecutor clientExecutor = RedisClientExecutor.startBuilding()
.create(() -> node);
final RedisSubscriber subscriber = RedisSubscriber.startBuilding()
// Sends a ping every second to test socket connection.
.withPongConsumer(pong -> System.out.println("I'm Alive!"))
.create(redisExecutor, (ch, payload) -> System.out.format("Received '%s' from channel '%s'.%n", payload, ch));
// RedisSubscriber is a Runnable.
// run() processes messages until the subscription count drops back to 0.
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
final Future<?> subscriberFuture = executor.submit(subscriber);
try (final RedisClient publisher = clientFactory.create(node)) {
publisher.publish(channel, "Hello fellow thread.");
// Sleep here to demonstrate socket ping/pong health test.
// Unsubscribe from all channels.
// Should return immediately as we are no longer subscribed to any channels.
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