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Last active December 20, 2015 12:39
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Save jpellerin/6133182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mustache-like syntax for knockoutjs (3.0 or better), based on
.goo { font-family: sans-serif; }
.boo { color: #999 };
<ol class="{{ things }} listy {{ stuff }}">
<li id="{{ id }}" data-bind="css: { blue: name=='joe' }" burp="{{ name }}">
{{ name.toUpperCase() }} is {{ age }} years old.
<p>Set age: <input type="range" value="{{ age }}" /></p>
<script src="build/output/knockout-latest.debug.js"></script>
<script src="stachebinding.js"></script>
<script src="runexample.js"></script>
ko.bindingProvider.instance = new MustacheBindingProvider();
function MyViewModel() {
this.people = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Bert', age: ko.observable(94) },
{ id: 2, name: 'Frankie', age: ko.observable(2) }
this.things = 'goo';
this.stuff = 'boo';
ko.applyBindings(new MyViewModel());
var MustacheBindingProvider = function () {
var _this = this;
var expressionRegex = /{{([\s\S]*?)}}/g;
this.constructor = MustacheBindingProvider;
this.preprocessNode = function( node ) {
if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue) {
// text node
return _this.preprocessTextNode(node);
} else if (node.nodeType === 1) {
return _this.preprocessElementNode(node);
this.preprocessTextNode = function( node ) {
var newNodes = replaceExpressionsInText(
node.nodeValue, expressionRegex, function( expressionText ) {
var fchar = expressionText.charAt(0);
if (fchar == '#') {
expressionText = expressionText.substring(1);
return [
document.createComment("ko foreach: " + expressionText),
} else if (fchar == '/') {
return [document.createComment("/ko")];
} else if (fchar == '^') {
expressionText = expressionText.substring(1);
return [document.createComment("ko ifnot: " + expressionText)];
} else {
return [
document.createComment("ko text: " + expressionText),
// Insert the resulting nodes into the DOM and remove the original
// unpreprocessed node
console.log('node', node);
console.log('newNodes', newNodes);
if (newNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < newNodes.length; i++) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNodes[i], node);
return newNodes;
this.preprocessElementNode = function( node ) {
var attrs = node.attributes, toRemove = [], toBind = {},
attrBinding = '', allBindings = '',
current = node.attributes['data-bind'],
bindingMap = {
'value': 'value',
'style': 'style',
'disabled': 'disable',
'checked': 'checked'
if (current) {
allBindings = current.value;
for (var i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var attr = attrs[i],
bindingName = bindingMap[] || 'attr';
console.log(, bindingMap[], bindingName);
exprText = replaceExpressionsInAttr(attr.value);
if (exprText !== null) {
if (typeof toBind[bindingName] === 'undefined') {
toBind[bindingName] = [];
toBind[bindingName].push({'name':, 'value': exprText});
for (var i=0, ln=toRemove.length; i<ln; i++) {
for(var prop in toBind) {
var binders = toBind[prop];
if (binders && binders.length > 0) {
for (var i=0, ln=binders.length; i<ln; i++) {
var term = binders[i];
if (i>0) {
attrBinding += ', ';
if (prop === 'attr') {
attrBinding += "'" + + "': " + term.value;
} else {
attrBinding += term.value;
if (prop === 'attr') {
attrBinding = 'attr: {' + attrBinding + '}';
} else {
attrBinding = prop + ': ' + attrBinding;
if (allBindings === '') {
allBindings = attrBinding;
} else {
allBindings += ', ' + attrBinding;
if (allBindings !== '') {
node.setAttribute('data-bind', allBindings);
console.log(node, allBindings);
function replaceExpressionsInText(text, expressionRegex, callback) {
var prevIndex = expressionRegex.lastIndex = 0,
resultNodes = null,
// Find each expression marker, and for each one, invoke the callback
// to get an array of nodes that should replace that part of the text
while (match = expressionRegex.exec(text)) {
var leadingText = text.substring(prevIndex, match.index);
prevIndex = expressionRegex.lastIndex;
resultNodes = resultNodes || [];
// Preserve leading text
if (leadingText) {
resultNodes.push.apply(resultNodes, callback(match[1]));
// Preserve trailing text
var trailingText = text.substring(prevIndex);
if (resultNodes && trailingText) {
return resultNodes;
function replaceExpressionsInAttr(text) {
var prevIndex = expressionRegex.lastIndex = 0, resultText = '';
// FIXME this breaks 2-way bindings
while (match = expressionRegex.exec(text)) {
var leadingText = text.substring(prevIndex, match.index);
prevIndex = expressionRegex.lastIndex;
if (leadingText) {
if (resultText) {
resultText += ' + ';
resultText += "'" + leadingText + "'";
if (resultText) {
resultText += ' + ';
resultText += match[1];
return resultText || null;
MustacheBindingProvider.prototype = ko.bindingProvider.instance;
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