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Created March 3, 2014 12:50
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// MDSampleSlicer.m
// MachineDrumFramework
// Created by Jakob Penca on 02/03/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Jakob Penca. All rights reserved.
#import "MDSampleSlicer.h"
#import "MDMath.h"
#import "MDParameterLock.h"
@implementation MDSampleSlicer
- (id)init
if(self = [super init])
_length = 16;
_sampleLength = 16;
_stepInterval = 1;
_generateLocks = YES;
return self;
- (void)slice
if(!self.pattern) return;
int patternLength = self.pattern.length;
if(_offset >= patternLength) return;
patternLength = MIN(patternLength, _offset + _length);
int numSlices = _sampleLength / _stepInterval;
int sliceLen = 128/numSlices;
int sliceIdx = 0;
for(int stepIdx = _offset; stepIdx < patternLength; stepIdx+=_stepInterval)
int innerSliceIdx = sliceIdx;
if(_direction == MDSamplerSlicerDirectionBackward)
innerSliceIdx = (numSlices-1) - sliceIdx;
if(_randomPlacement > 0 && mdmath_rand(0, 1) <= _randomPlacement)
innerSliceIdx = mdmath_randi(0, numSlices-1);
int strt = mdmath_map(innerSliceIdx, 0, numSlices, 0, 128);
int stop = strt + sliceLen;
strt = mdmath_clamp(strt, 0, 127);
stop = mdmath_clamp(stop, 0, 127);
if(_sliceReverse > 0 && mdmath_rand(0, 1) <= _sliceReverse)
int tmp = strt;
strt = stop;
stop = tmp;
MDParameterLock *lock = [MDParameterLock lockForTrack:_trackIdx param:4 step:stepIdx value:strt];
[self.pattern setLock:lock setTrigIfNone:YES];
lock = [MDParameterLock lockForTrack:_trackIdx param:5 step:stepIdx value:stop];
[self.pattern setLock:lock setTrigIfNone:YES];
sliceIdx = mdmath_wrap(sliceIdx, 0, numSlices-1);
[self.pattern setTrigAtTrack:_trackIdx step:stepIdx toValue:YES];
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Your addon manual you refer for sysex, is this md1_53-sysex-0_8?
Or Elektron have made some update?

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jpenca commented Mar 3, 2014

yep, md1_53-sysex-0_8 is the one I have.

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Very good then. I asked the elektron these days if there was any update, but are still waiting for answer.
I saw that you made ​​interesting applications for Elektron gear, very nice.
Just my curiosity by a developer, you're using openFrameworks?

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jpenca commented Mar 3, 2014


I always meant to start with OF but never really got around to it.. doing iOS dev mostly, and using cocos2d / raw OpenGL for graphics..

a port of the Elektron stuff to OF would be interesting!

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