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Created December 29, 2010 23:54
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groovy method dispatching with a little help
class Magic {
def methodMissing(String methodName, Object arguments) {
method(methodName, *arguments)
private method(String methodName, Object... arguments) {
if (!(arguments[-1] instanceof Closure))
throw new MissingMethodException(methodName, this.class, arguments)
method(methodName, arguments[-1], *arguments[0..-2])
private method(String methodName, Map map, Object... arguments) {
if (!(arguments[-1] instanceof Closure))
throw new MissingMethodException(methodName, this.class, arguments)
method(methodName, map, arguments[-1], *arguments[0..-2])
private method(String methodName, String... strings) {
println "$methodName(String... $strings)"
private method(String methodName, Map map) {
println "$methodName(Map $map)"
private method(String methodName, Closure closure) {
println "$methodName(Closure ${closure()})"
private method(String methodName, Map map, String... strings) {
println "$methodName(Map $map, String... $strings)"
private method(String methodName, Closure closure, String... strings) {
println "$methodName(Closure ${closure()}, String... $strings)"
private method(String methodName, Map map, Closure closure) {
println "$methodName(Map $map, Closure ${closure()})"
private method(String methodName, Map map, Closure closure, String... strings) {
println "$methodName(Map $map, Closure ${closure()}, String... $strings)"
new Magic().with {
s "string1", "string2"
// s(String... [string1, string2])
m key1: "value1", key2: "value2"
// m(Map [key1:value1, key2:value2])
c {"closure"}
// c(Closure closure)
sm "string1", key1: "value1", "string2", key2: "value2"
// sm(Map [key1:value1, key2:value2], String... [string1, string2])
sc "string1", "string2", {"closure"}
// sc(Closure closure, String... [string1, string2])
mc key1: "value1", key2: "value2", {"closure"}
// mc(Map [key1:value1, key2:value2], Closure closure)
smc "string1", key1: "value1", "string2", key2: "value2", {"closure"}
// smc(Map [key1:value1, key2:value2], Closure closure, String... [string1, string2])
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