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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
(defn prisoner [name strategy]
{:name name :strategy strategy :moves '() :scores '() :total-score 0})
(defn defect [moves] (conj moves 0))
(defn coop [moves] (conj moves 1))
(defn AlwaysDefect [mover opponent]
(defect mover))
(defn AlwaysCooperate [mover opponent]
(coop mover))
(defn AlwaysRandom [mover opponent]
(conj mover (rand-int 2)))
(defn game [& prisoners]
(map (fn [mover opponent]
(->> (map :moves [mover, opponent])
(apply (:strategy mover))
(assoc mover :moves)))
(reverse prisoners)))
(defn iterated-game [iterations & prisoners]
(reduce (fn [ps _] (apply game ps))
(range 0 iterations)))
(def scores {[1 0] 0
[0 0] 1
[1 1] 3
[0 1] 5})
(defn compute-scores [prisoners moves]
(map (fn [prisoner moves]
(let [point (get scores moves)
scores (:scores prisoner)
total (:total-score prisoner)]
(assoc prisoner
:scores (conj scores point)
:total-score (+ total point))))
[moves (reverse moves)]))
(defn total-scores [& prisoners]
(let [move-pairs (->> (map :moves prisoners)
(apply interleave)
(partition 2))]
(reduce compute-scores prisoners move-pairs)))
(->> [(prisoner :a AlwaysCooperate) (prisoner :b AlwaysDefect)]
(apply iterated-game 2)
(apply total-scores)
(map :total-score))
package main
import (
type Move uint
const Cooperate = 1
const Defect = 0
type Prisoner struct {
Name string
Moves []Move
Scores []uint
TotalScore uint64
type Strategy interface {
Move(opponent Prisoner) Move
type scoreTuple [2]Move
var ScoreMatrix = map[scoreTuple]uint{
scoreTuple{1, 0}: 0,
scoreTuple{0, 0}: 1,
scoreTuple{1, 1}: 3,
scoreTuple{0, 1}: 5,
type AlwaysDefect struct{}
type AlwaysCooperate struct{}
type AlwaysRandom struct{}
func (s AlwaysDefect) Move(opponent Prisoner) Move {
return Defect
func (s AlwaysCooperate) Move(opponent Prisoner) Move {
return Cooperate
func (s AlwaysRandom) Move(opponent Prisoner) Move {
if rand.Intn(1) == 1 {
return Cooperate
} else {
return Defect
type Game struct {
Prisoners [2]Prisoner
func (g *Game) Play(times int) {
for i := 0; i < times; i++ {
a := &g.Prisoners[0]
b := &g.Prisoners[1]
aMove := a.Move(*b)
bMove := b.Move(*a)
a.Moves = append(a.Moves, aMove)
b.Moves = append(b.Moves, bMove)
aScore := computeScore(aMove, bMove)
bScore := computeScore(bMove, aMove)
a.Scores = append(a.Scores, aScore)
b.Scores = append(b.Scores, bScore)
a.TotalScore += uint64(aScore)
b.TotalScore += uint64(bScore)
func computeScore(a, b Move) uint {
score := ScoreMatrix[scoreTuple{a, b}]
return score
func main() {
a := Prisoner{Name: "a", Strategy: new(AlwaysCooperate)}
b := Prisoner{Name: "b", Strategy: new(AlwaysDefect)}
g := Game{Prisoners: [2]Prisoner{a, b}}
fmt.Println("Prisoner A (AlwaysCooperate):", g.Prisoners[0].TotalScore)
fmt.Println("Prisoner B (AlwaysDefect) :", g.Prisoners[1].TotalScore)
import Text.Show.Functions
data Move = Cooperate | Defect
deriving (Show)
type Moves = [Move]
type Strategy = Moves -> Moves -> Move
data Prisoner = Prisoner
{ name :: String
, strategy :: Strategy
, moves :: Moves
, scores :: [Int]
, total :: Int
} deriving (Show)
newPrisoner :: String -> Strategy -> Prisoner
newPrisoner name strategy =
Prisoner {name=name,moves=[],scores=[],total=0,strategy=strategy}
alwaysCooperate :: Strategy
alwaysCooperate _ _ = Cooperate
alwaysDefect :: Strategy
alwaysDefect _ _ = Defect
score :: (Move, Move) -> Int
score (Cooperate, Defect) = 0
score (Defect, Defect) = 1
score (Cooperate, Cooperate) = 3
score (Defect, Cooperate) = 5
reverseMoves :: (Move, Move) -> (Move, Move)
reverseMoves moves = (snd moves, fst moves)
computeScores :: [Prisoner] -> (Move, Move) -> [Prisoner]
computeScores prisoners moves =
map (\(prisoner, moves) ->
let currentScores = scores prisoner
currentTotal = total prisoner
thisScore = score moves
in prisoner { scores = thisScore : currentScores, total = currentTotal + thisScore })
[(head prisoners, moves), (last prisoners, reverseMoves moves)]
playGame :: [Prisoner] -> [Prisoner]
playGame prisoners =
map (\(mover, opponent) ->
let myMoves = moves mover
move = strategy mover myMoves (moves opponent)
in mover { moves = move : myMoves } )
(zip prisoners $ reverse prisoners)
game :: Int -> [Prisoner] -> [Prisoner]
game iterations prisoners =
let withMoves = foldl (\prisoners _ -> playGame prisoners) prisoners [1..iterations]
mvs = zip (moves $ head withMoves) (moves $ last withMoves)
in foldl computeScores withMoves mvs
main =
print $ game 1 [newPrisoner "a" alwaysCooperate, newPrisoner "b" alwaysDefect]
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I won.

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Can you run through this scenario?

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joxn commented Jul 15, 2014

The point of this refactoring is that your Prisoner infrastructure is basically for the convenience of a tournament organizer. The core game functionality looks like this:

import Data.Tuple( swap )
import Data.List( foldl' )

-- basic structure is like this:
data Decision = Cooperate | Defect
type Move = (Decision, Decision)
type Score = (Integer, Integer)

-- Newest moves in History are at the head
-- Probably more convenient for Strategies with narrow time windows
type History = [Move]

-- Strategies assume they play for the first player (so 'map fst History' = my moves)
type Strategy = History -> Decision

sum :: Score -> Score
(a1, a2) `sum` (b1, b2) = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2)

score :: Move -> Score
score (Cooperate, Defect)    = (0, 5)
score (Defect, Defect)       = (1, 1)
score (Cooperate, Cooperate) = (3, 3)
score (Defect, Cooperate)    = (5, 0)

scoreGame :: History -> Score 
scoreGame = foldl' sum (0, 0) . map score

runGame :: History -> Strategy -> Strategy -> History 
runGame hist s1 s2 = moves : runGame (moves : hist) s1 s2 
    moves = (s1 hist, s2 $ map swap hist)

play :: Integer -> Strategy -> Strategy -> History
play iters = take iters . runGame []

main = print . scoreGame . play $ 1 (const Cooperate) (const Defect)

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