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Forked from anonymous/JPGInc WinScript
Last active December 11, 2015 23:48
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/* This program was written by Joshua Graham
* Anyone may use any part of this code for any non-malicious purpose
* with or without referencing me. There is No Warranty
;start main:
if not A_IsAdmin
{ Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ; Requires v1.0.92.01+
#SingleInstance force
singleKeyList := "{LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Capslock}{Numlock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}"
;a place to keep old version backups/complier files etc.
IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData"
{ FileCreateDir, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData"
;this global variable determains which hotkeys will be in effect
JPGIncMode := "insert"
JPGIncInterrupt := ""
JPGIncGlobalObject := ""
JPGIncVersionNumber := 1
JPGIncShortcuts := "add,remove,edit,update,"
;Capslock + Esc always exits the program
~CapsLock & Esc::
~Esc & CapsLock::
{ SetCapsLockState, off
;the default keys to enter 'script' mode are shift and capslock together
~shift & CapsLock::
~CapsLock & Shift::
{ KeyWait shift
KeyWait capslock
SetCapsLockState, off
JPGIncMode := "script"
;if you click the mouse then your not using keyboard shortcuts so enter insert mode
{ forceInsert()
{ global
shortcutList := object()
StringSplit, shortcuts, shortcuts, `,
Loop, % shortcuts0
{ shortcutList.insert(shortcuts%A_index%)
JPGIncInterrupt := ""
Loop, ;this top loop is the initial choice
{ if((choice := choiceDisplay(shortcutList, "Select Script to run")) == "cancelled" || choice == "stop!")
{ return
if(isLabel("JPGInc" choice))
{ JPGIncMode := choice
JPGIncGlobalObject := ""
JPGIncGlobalDescription := ""
gosub, % "JPGInc" choice
{ splash("The shortcut " choice " is invalid!")
previousObjects := object()
previousDescriptions := object()
counter := 1
Loop, ;check if there are any more choices needed
{ className := JPGIncGlobalObject.__class
;the object was set to a class with a getActionList function
{ previousObjects.insert(counter, JPGIncGlobalObject)
choiceList := JPGIncGlobalObject.getActionList()
if(choiceList.maxIndex()) ;a choice list was returned with at least one item in it
{ choice := choiceDisplay(choiceList, JPGIncGlobalDescription)
if(choice != "cancelled") ;if it is cancelled it will fall down to the 'revert back to last valid object'
{ if(choice == "stop!")
{ return
JPGIncGlobalObject := ""
if(isFunc(%className%[choice])) ;if the choice is a function within the object
{ previousObjects[counter++][choice]() ;call the function
{ previousObjects[counter++].actionHandler(choice) ;call the action handler
else if(! choiceList) ;if nothing is returned from getActionList
{ splash("The shortcut " choice " returned an invalid object!")
else if(choiceList.maxIndex() == "" && isObject(choiceList)) ;the returned choice list was empty!
{ splash("The shortcut " choice " returned an empty list of choices!")
else if(! isObject(choiceList)) ;the returned item was a string, not a choice list
{ splash(choiceList)
JPGIncGlobalObject := previousObjects[--counter] ;revert back to the last valid object
;the object was set to a string
{ if(JPGIncGlobalObject != "cancelled")
{ splash(JPGIncGlobalObject) ;if it wasnt cancelled then the object may have been set to an error message
} ;go back to the menu before the cancelled/error message
JPGIncGlobalObject := ""
;the object was set to nothing, go back to main menu
;add a script from file
#if JPGIncMode == "add"
{ ;get a shortcut for the new script
{ message := JPGIncGetScriptName(JPGIncShortcuts, shortcut)
if(isCancelled := (message == "cancelled"))
{ break
if(message == "exists")
{ msgbox, , JPGInc Error, ERROR Shortcut already exists!
if(message == "notExist")
{ ;select the new script file
FileSelectFile, filename, , , Select Script, *.ahk
if(isCancelled := errorlevel)
{ break
} ;combine the file with the current script
JPGIncCombine(fileName, shortcut, JPGIncShortcuts)
;extracts a script that has already been added to the main script but is no longer wanted
#if JPGIncMode == "remove"
{ ;get a shortcut for the script to be removed
{ message := JPGIncGetScriptName(JPGIncShortcuts, shortcut)
if(isCancelled := (message == "cancelled"))
{ break
if(message == "notExist" || JPGIncIsDefaultShortcut(message))
{ msgbox, , JPGInc Error, ERROR Shortcut does not exist or cannot be removed!
if(message == "exists")
{ FileInstall, c:\programming\projects\WinScript\JPGInc WinScript.ahk, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk", 1
FileRead, currentFile, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
if(isCancelled := errorlevel)
{ MsgBox, , JPGInc ERROR, ERROR WinScriptMainCurrent Does not exist!, 2
JPGIncRemoveScript(currentFile, shortcut, JPGIncShortcuts)
{ break
renameAndQuit() ;this functin exit's the program
;runs an already installed script for editing. The edited script isn't used until update is called
{ Loop
{ message := JPGIncGetScriptName(JPGIncShortcuts, shortcut)
if(isCancelled := (message == "cancelled"))
{ break
if(message == "notExist" || JPGIncIsDefaultShortcut(message))
{ msgbox, , JPGInc Error, ERROR Shortcut does not exist or cannot be edited!
if(message == "exists")
{ if(shortcut == "main") ;if the user wants to edit the main script
{ IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
{ FileInstall, c:\programming\projects\WinScript\JPGInc WinScript.ahk, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk", 1
Run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Autohotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe "%A_ScriptDir%\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
;there is a global variable saved for each script added to the master script which
;contains the location of the script when it was origionally added. first try to open that location
tempFileName := % JPGInc%shortcut%filelocation
IfNotExist, % tempFileName
{ MsgBox, , JPGInc ERROR, ERROR The origional file does not exist!
FileSelectFile, tempFileName, , , , *.ahk
if(isCancelled := errorlevel)
{ break
run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Autohotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe "%tempFileName%"
;updates an already included script
{ Loop
{ message := JPGIncGetScriptName(JPGIncShortcuts, shortcut)
if(isCancelled := (message == "cancelled"))
{ break
if(message == "notExist" || JPGIncIsDefaultShortcut(message))
{ msgbox, , JPGInc Error, ERROR Shortcut does not exist or cannot be updated!
if(message == "exists")
{ if(shortcut == "main") ;if the user wants to edit the main script
{ filelocation := % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
IfNotExist, % filelocation
{ MsgBox, , JPGInc ERROR, ERROR The main script's current file does not exist!
FileSelectFile, filelocation, , , , *.ahk
if(isCancelled := errorlevel)
{ break
FileRead, toCompile, % filelocation
{ break
;there is a global variable saved for each script added to the master script which
;contains the location of the script when it was origionally added. first try to open that location
filelocation := % JPGInc%shortcut%filelocation
IfNotExist, % filelocation
{ MsgBox, , JPGInc ERROR, ERROR The origional file does not exist!
FileSelectFile, filelocation, , , , *.ahk
if(isCancelled := errorlevel)
{ break
FileInstall, c:\programming\projects\WinScript\JPGInc WinScript.ahk, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk", 1
FileRead, mainFile, % A_scriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
FileRead, newFile, % filelocation
JPGIncRemoveScript(mainFile, shortcut, JPGIncShortcuts)
;because main file's JPGIncShortcuts will be without the current shortcut we have to strip it out for the next call
StringReplace, newShortcuts, JPGIncShortcuts, % shortcut ",", , All
JPGIncInsertScript(mainFile, newFile, shortcut, newShortcuts , filelocation)
{ break
;returns true if the given 'name' is a default shortcut
{ return (name == "i" || name == "add" || name == "remove"
|| name == "edit" || name == "update" || name == "main")
;this function takes a list of comma seperated strings and compare input to that list
;returns exists if the input is one of the comma seperated values
;returns notExist if the input is one NOT part of the comma seperated values
;returns cancelled if the input is cancelled or blank
JPGIncGetScriptName(JPGIncShortcuts, ByRef shortcut)
{ ;get a shortcut for the new script
InputBox, newScriptName, Enter Script Shortcut:
{ return "cancelled"
newScriptName = %newScriptName%
if(newScriptName == "" && isCancelled := 1)
{ return "cancelled"
shortcut := newScriptName
IfInString, JPGIncShortcuts, % newScriptName ","
{ return "exists"
return "notExist"
;when one of add/remove/edit/update are called this is used at the end.
{ if(isCancelled)
{ SplashTextOn, %A_screenwidth%, , Cancelled
sleep 500
JPGIncMode := "script"
;accepts a string representing the current WinScript code and removes a script from it
JPGIncRemoveScript(ByRef currentFile, removeScriptName, JPGIncShortcuts)
{ ;remove it from the current shortcut list
StringReplace, newShortcuts, JPGIncShortcuts, % removeScriptName ","
StringReplace, currentFile, currentFile, % JPGIncShortcuts, % newShortcuts
;remove the file reference
currentFile := RegExReplace(currentFile, "JPGInc" removeScriptName "fileLocation :=.*`n")
;remove the script
theStart := RegExMatch(currentfile, ";start " removeScriptName ":")
theEnd := RegExMatch(currentfile, "P);end " removeScriptName ":", length)
currentFile := SubStr(currentFile, 1, theStart - 1) SubStr(currentFile, theEnd + length)
;remove the file reference
currentFile := RegExReplace(currentFile, "JPGInc" removeScriptName "file Location:=.+", "")
;accepts a string representing the to be compiled program and compiles it,
;first it changes the fileinstall commands to the current directory
JPGIncRecompile(ByRef newFileString)
{ ;first change all the old fileInstall absolute paths to the current directory
oldDirectory := "FileInstall, c:\programming\projects\WinScript\WinScriptData" ;change this to the directory your code is in
;delete after first compile:
theStart := RegExMatch(newFileString, ";delete after first compile:(`r`n)")
theEnd := RegExMatch(newFileString, "P);end delete after first compile:(`r`n)", length)
newFileString := SubStr(newFileString, 1, theStart - 1) SubStr(newFileString, theEnd + length)
StringReplace, newFileString, newFileString, % "FileInstall, c:\programming\projects\WinScript\JPGInc WinScript.ahk"
, % oldDirectory "\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk", All
StringReplace, newFileString, newFileString, % "FileInstall, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler", % oldDirectory, All
;end delete after first compile:
StringReplace, newFileString, newFileString, % oldDirectory, % "FileInstall, " A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData", All
StringReplace, newFileString, newFileString, % "oldDirectory := """ oldDirectory """", % "oldDirectory := ""FileInstall, " A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData"""
FileInstall, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\Ahk2Exe.exe"
FileInstall, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\ANSI 32-bit.bin, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\ANSI 32-bit.bin"
FileInstall, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\AutoHotkeySC.bin, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\AutoHotkeySC.bin"
FileInstall, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Unicode 32-bit.bin, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\Unicode 32-bit.bin"
FileInstall, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Unicode 64-bit.bin, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\Unicode 64-bit.bin"
backupCurrent() ;backup the current running version in case there was a problem with the merging proccess
FileAppend, % newFileString, % A_scriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
RunWait, WinScriptData\Ahk2Exe.exe /in WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk /out newExe.exe
Run, newExe.exe, , UseErrorLevel, newExePid
;wait one second for an error box to appear
WinWait, ahk_pid %newExePid% ahk_class #32770 , , 1
if(! errorlevel) ;if it does then there might be a problem with the recompilation so give the user an option to use the current verison
{ msgbox, 4 , JPGInc Warning, Warning an error was detected in the new script`nWould you like to keep using the CURRENT version?
IfMsgBox, Yes
{ JPGIncMode := "script"
Process, close, % newExePid
return "error"
Process, close, % newExePid
;accepts a file name (must be valid) and combines the selected file with the current version
;of WinScript.
;filemname = string representation of a .ahk path
;shortcutName = string of the new shortcut to add to the main file
;shortcutList = a comma seperated string of shortcut's already in use
JPGIncCombine(fileName, shortcutName, shortcutList)
{ ;get the current version of the program which is installed during recompilation
FileInstall, c:\programming\projects\WinScript\JPGInc WinScript.ahk, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk", 1
FileRead, mainFile, % A_scriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk"
{ msgbox, , JPGInc ERROR, ERROR WinScript's current code could not be read!, 2
return "error"
FileRead, newFile, % fileName
{ msgbox, , JPGInc ERROR, ERROR the new scripts code could not be read!, 2
JPGIncInsertScript(mainFile, newFile, shortcutName, shortcutList, fileName)
{ return
;takes a string representing the main script and inserts a new script inside it
;adds a shortcut that can be fired in 'script' mode
;saves the locaiton of the file to be added under a global called JPGInc*shortcutName*fileLocation for editing/updating use
;changes any #if statements to only fire when in the shortcut's mode
JPGIncInsertScript(ByRef mainFile, ByRef newFile, shortcutName, shortcutList, fileName)
global JPGIncVersionNumber
;now add the new shortcut to the shortcut list
StringReplace, mainFile, mainFile, % shortcutList, % shortcutList shortcutName ",", All
;now update the version number
StringReplace, mainFile, mainFile, JPGIncVersionNumber := %JPGIncVersionNumber%, % "JPGIncVersionNumber := " (JPGIncVersionNumber + 1)
;Now make changes to the script to be loaded
;change andy #ifwin* statements to be #if statements so that && shortcut name can be added to them
newFile := RegExReplace(newFile, "#ifwin(active|exist) *, *([^(;|`r|`n]*)", "#if win$1($2) $3")
newFile := RegExReplace(newFile, "#ifwinnot(active|exist) *, *([^(;|`r|`n]*)", "#if ! win$1($2) $3")
;add shortcut name && to each #if statement (dont add && if there is only a #if ;etc)
newFile := RegExReplace(newFile, "#if +[^;`r`n]", "#if JPGIncMode == """ shortcutName """ && ")
newFile := RegExReplace(newFile, "#if *[`r`n]", "#if JPGIncMode == """ shortcutName """ `n")
newFile := RegExReplace(newFile, "#if *;", "#if JPGIncMode == """ shortcutName """ `;")
newFile := "`n;start " shortcutName ":`n#if JPGIncMode == """ shortcutName """`nJPGInc" shortcutName ":`n" newFile "`n;end " shortcutName ":`n"
mainFile := "JPGInc" shortcutName "fileLocation := """ fileName """`n" mainFile newFile
;looks to see how many previous versions have been saved and saves the current version as a backup (max of 10 backups kept)
{ IfExist, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainBackup10.ahk"
{ loop, 10
{ FileMove, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainBackup" A_index ".ahk", % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainBackup" A_index - 1 ".ahk", 1
loop, 10
{ IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainBackup" A_index ".ahk"
{ FileMove, % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainCurrent.ahk", % A_ScriptDir "\WinScriptData\WinScriptMainBackup" A_Index ".ahk"
;creates a .bat file to delete the old exe and run the new one (waits one second before deleting)
{ IfExist, tempBat.bat
{ FileDelete, tempBat.bat
batFile =
ping -n 1 -w 1000
del "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
move /Y "%A_scriptDir%\newExe.exe" "%A_scriptDir%\JPGInc WinScript.exe"
"%A_scriptDir%\JPGInc WinScript.exe"
FileAppend, % batFile, tempBat.bat
Run, tempBat.bat, , Hide
{ theString := ""
for key, astring in theArray
{ theString .= astring "`n"
return theString
;accepts a list of strings, a character and a string
;returns a subset of currentList who's strings contain the character ordered by
;those who most closely match the string allLetters
filterDisplay(currentList, thisLetter, allLetters)
{ tempArray := object()
returnArray := object()
simpleMatch := thisLetter
;if this is the second time the letter has appeared then match a seriese of letters
;between the first appearence and this letter
if((start := InStr(allLetters, thisLetter)) && allLetters)
{ allLetters2 := allLetters thisLetter
StringTrimLeft, simpleMatch, allLetters2, start - 1
for key, word in currentList
{ if(instr(word, simpleMatch))
{ tempArray.insert(word)
;then put the words that match the whole string at the top
end := tempArray.maxindex()
start := 1
allLetters .= thisLetter
for key, word in tempArray
{ If(InStr(word, allLetters))
{ returnArray.insert(start++, word)
{ returnArray.insert(end--, word)
return returnArray
;choiceDisplay opens a GUI with it's background transparent
;returns the string selected from the display list or "cancelled"
choiceDisplay(displayList, prompt = "")
{ global
Gui 12: new
Gui 12: +lastfound +disabled -Caption +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu
Gui 12: font, s18 bold, TimesNewRoman
Gui 12:Color, White
Gui 12: add, text, w%A_screenWidth% Center, % prompt
Gui 12: add, text, vtypedTextGui12 w%A_screenWidth% Center,
Gui 12: add, text, % "vchoiceListGui12 x150 h" A_screenHeight -150 " w" A_ScreenWidth - 200, % arrayToString(displayList)
Gui 12: show, NoActivate y120, JPGIncGui12
WinSet, TransColor, White
fullStringGui12 := ""
arrayCountGui12 := 1
arrayArrayGui12 := Object(1, displayList)
{ if(JPGIncInterrupt)
{ IfWinNotExist, JPGIncGui12
{ return "stop!"
Gui 12: Destroy
return "cancelled"
input, oneLetterGui12, L1,{Esc}{BackSpace}{Space}{enter}
if(ErrorLevel == "EndKey:Backspace")
{ if(StrLen(fullStringGui12) < 1)
{ continue
StringTrimRight, fullStringGui12, fullStringGui12, 1
guicontrol, 12:, choiceListGui12, % arrayToString(arrayArrayGui12[arrayCountGui12])
GuiControl, 12:, typedTextGui12, % fullStringGui12
else if(ErrorLevel == "EndKey:Escape")
{ IfWinNotExist, JPGIncGui12
{ return "stop!"
Gui 12: Destroy
return "cancelled"
if(InStr(errorLevel, "EndKey:"))
{ Gui 12: Destroy
return arrayArrayGui12[arrayCountGui12][1]
arrayArrayGui12[arrayCountGui12 + 1] := filterDisplay(arrayArrayGui12[arrayCountGui12], oneLetterGui12, fullStringGui12)
if(arrayArrayGui12[arrayCountGui12 + 1].maxIndex() == "")
{ continue
fullStringGui12 .= oneLetterGui12
GuiControl, 12:, typedTextGui12, % fullStringGui12
guicontrol, 12:, choiceListGui12, % arrayToString(arrayArrayGui12[arrayCountGui12])
{ JPGIncInterrupt := 1
JPGIncMode := "insert"
IfWinExist, JPGIncGui12
{ Gui 12: destroy
send, {esc}
{ SplashTextOn, % A_ScreenWidth, , % string
Input, notNeeded, L1, singleKeyList
{ StringReplace, filename, filename, \, \\, All
return filename
;end main:
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