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Created June 11, 2018 08:10
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Two-part mold generating script for OpenSCAD
Parametric two-part mold generator
Author: Jason Webb
Last update: 10/1/2012
A parametric two-part mold generator that constructs two-
part molds with registration marks based on STL files.
- Update the OBJECT_* variables to reflect the actual size
of your STL model
- Update the object_* variables to import, rotate, translate
and scale your STL model to center and situation your
model as you wish.
- Try to avoid undercuts. They can print just fine, but will
make casting more difficult / limited.
- Sometimes a model works better as a mold when the
seam line is in a different spot - use the object_*
variables to create as simple a mold as you can.
// Dimensions of your STL object
OBJECT_WIDTH = 50; // Measured along X axis
OBJECT_HEIGHT = 50; // Measured along Y axis
OBJECT_DEPTH = 60; // Measured along Z axis
// STL file and transformation variables
object_filename = "Sample inputs/supershape-2.stl";
object_rotation_vector = [90,0,0];
object_translation_vector = [0,OBJECT_HEIGHT/2-4,0];
object_scale_factor = 1;
// Mold-related variables
width_margin = 10; // Margin along X axis
height_margin = 10; // Margin along Y axis
depth_margin = 10; // Margin along Z axis
// Pour hole variables
pour_hole_translate = [0,-1.3,OBJECT_DEPTH/2];
pour_hole_r1 = 2;
pour_hole_r2 = 10;
pour_hole_height = 10;
Rotate and place both halves side by side
along the X axis for easy single-plate printing
module side_by_side() {
// Rotate about the Z axis to align parts with X axis - helps when printing
rotate(a = [0,0,90]) {
// Scoot the left half over a bit
translate(v = [0, -OBJECT_HEIGHT+height_margin, OBJECT_DEPTH/2+depth_margin])
// Rotate the top half, then scoot it over a bit
rotate(a = [0,180,0])
translate(v = [0, OBJECT_HEIGHT-height_margin, -OBJECT_DEPTH/2-depth_margin])
Bottom half of the mold
module bottom_half() {
// Create the mold form with negative keys
difference() {
// Create the basic mold form by subtracting the STL from a cube half it's size
difference() {
translate(v = [-OBJECT_WIDTH/2-width_margin,-OBJECT_HEIGHT/2-height_margin,-OBJECT_DEPTH/2-depth_margin])
cube(size = [OBJECT_WIDTH+width_margin*2,OBJECT_HEIGHT+height_margin*2,OBJECT_DEPTH/2+depth_margin]);
translate(v = object_translation_vector)
import( object_filename );
// Negative key 1
translate(v = [-OBJECT_WIDTH/2, -OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
sphere(r = 4.1, $fn = 30);
// Negative key 2
translate(v = [OBJECT_WIDTH/2, OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
sphere(r = 4.1, $fn = 30);
// Positive key 1
translate(v = [-OBJECT_WIDTH/2, OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
sphere(r = 4, $fn = 30);
// Positive master key
translate(v = [OBJECT_WIDTH/2, -OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
cube(size = [6,6,4], center = true);
Top half of the mold
module top_half() {
// Create the mold form with negative keys
difference() {
// Create the mold form by subtracting the STL from a cube half it's size
difference() {
translate(v = [-OBJECT_WIDTH/2-width_margin,-OBJECT_HEIGHT/2-height_margin,0])
cube(size = [OBJECT_WIDTH+width_margin*2,OBJECT_HEIGHT+height_margin*2,OBJECT_DEPTH/2+depth_margin]);
translate(v = object_translation_vector)
import( object_filename );
// Negative master key
translate(v = [OBJECT_WIDTH/2, -OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
cube(size = [6.4,6.4,4], center = true);
// Negative key 2
translate(v = [-OBJECT_WIDTH/2, OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
sphere(r = 4.1, $fn = 30);
// Pour hole
cylinder(pour_hole_height, pour_hole_r1, pour_hole_r2);
// Positive key 1
translate(v = [OBJECT_WIDTH/2, OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
sphere(r = 4, $fn = 30);
// Positive key 2
translate(v = [-OBJECT_WIDTH/2, -OBJECT_HEIGHT/2, 0])
sphere(r = 4, $fn = 30);
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