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Created June 7, 2009 19:47
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'plw'
### Program
if ARGV[0].nil? or not File.exists? ARGV[0]
$stderr.puts "Usage: #{$0} filename.plw\n You must specify a PLW file to parse"
$stdout.sync = true
filename = ARGV[0]
$stdout.puts "----------------------------------------"
$stdout.puts "| PLW Peak Counter |"
$stdout.puts "----------------------------------------"
$stdout.puts "Processing file: #{filename}\n\n"
# Load the PLW file
plw =
chanspec = {}
if File.exists?(filename+".stats")
$stdout.puts "Standard deviations already calculated. Skipping..."
open(filename+".stats") do |f|
chanspec = Marshal.load(
# Iterate through the first n points to determine the noise level (the average of the first n points, and the
$stdout.puts "Calculating the standard deviation of the channel voltages\n"
chanspec = [[0,0]] * plw.no_params
n = 0
last_print = nil
while (sample = plw.getSample) != false
i = -1
chanspec.collect! { |chan| # Each plw channel has its own accumulator for the sum(data squared) and sum(data) squared needed for a
i += 1 # Channel Iterator
[chan[0] + sample[:data][i], # Sum
chan[1] + (sample[:data][i])**2] # Sum(squared)
pc = (n*100/plw.no_samples).round
if pc != last_print
ps = (pc * 0.7).round
text = ">|#{pc}%"
$stdout.write "\r|"+("="*[ps,70-text.length].min)+text+("-"*[(70 - ps - text.length),0].max)+"|"
last_print = pc
n += 1
$stdout.write "\r - Complete, details saved \n"
chanspec.collect! { |chan|
:average => chan[0]/plw.no_samples,
:std_dev => (chan[1]/plw.no_samples - (chan[0]/plw.no_samples)**2)**0.5
open(filename+".stats","w") do |f|
f.write Marshal.dump(chanspec)
# Rewind to the first data point
plw.current_sample = 0
# We need to keep track of whether or not the previous point was marked as being a peak
# so that two consecutive points above the required level are still considered one peak
lastPeaks = [false] * plw.no_params
countPeaks = [0] * plw.no_params
$stdout.puts "Looking for peaks (voltage spikes outside 2 standard deviations of the mean)"
n = 0
last_print = nil
# Begin scanning for peaks
while (sample = plw.getSample) != false
i = -1 # Channel Iterator
# Measure to see if we're outsde the noise boundary, create a true/false array for the channels and also
# add to the peak count if required
lastPeaks = lastPeaks.collect{ |last|
i += 1
is_peak = (sample[:data][i] - chanspec[i][:average]).abs > chanspec[i][:std_dev]*2
if is_peak and not last
countPeaks[i] += 1
pc = (n*100/plw.no_samples).round
if pc != last_print
ps = (pc * 0.7).round
text = ">|#{pc}%"
$stdout.write "\r|"+("="*[ps,70-text.length].min)+text+("-"*[(70 - ps - text.length),0].max)+"|"
last_print = pc
n += 1
$stdout.write "\r|============================ All Done! ===============================|\n"
p countPeaks
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