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Created May 25, 2022 14:23
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Cheat Sheet Python Pandas
# === Pandas ==================================================================================================================
# === Pandas / Module + Settings ==============================================================================================
# Import Dataframe library
import pandas as pd
# Pandas Settings for better output in Jupyter Notebooks
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
# === Pandas / DataFrame ======================================================================================================
# Create empty DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.DataFrame(None)
# Read CSV file into DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv('data.csv'))
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
skiprows = 5 # Skip first 5 rows
header = 2 # row number which contains the column names
sep = '\t' # Separator (default ',')
index_col = 0 # column to use as index
encoding = 'latin-1' # Set encoding for import
name = ['column'] # Rename columns (new name)
engine = 'python' # Engine to use for import
dtype = {'Name': str, 'Grade': int} # Specify data type for columns
usecols = [0, 1] # Columns to import
nrows = 10 # Number of rows to import
na_values = ['NA'] # Values for NA to use for import
mode = 'a' # Mode to use for import (a: append, overwrite, etc.)
# === Pandas / Styling ========================================================================================================
# Sets text align to left for single DataFrame
df =**{'text-align': 'left'})
# === Pandas / Basic Data Information =========================================================================================
# Create Statistics for DataFrame (mean, std, min, max, etc.) & inklude strings
include = 'all' / None # Include strings or numeric values only
# Get number of rows and columns
df.shape[0] # Number of rows
df.shape[1] # Number of columns
# Get distinct values in column
# Get count of distinct values in column
# Get list of columns
# Get information about DataFrame
# Get count of non-NA values in DataFrame
df.count(axis=1) # Get count of columns in DataFrame
df.count(axis=0) # Get count of rows in column
len(df) # Get count of rows in DataFrame
# Get number of rows with each unique value in column
# === Pandas / Data Summarising ===============================================================================================
# Get minimum / maximum value of column
# Get (cumulative) mean of column
df['column'].cumsum() / df['column'].count()
# Get median of column
# Get mode of column
# Get (cumulative) sum of column
# Get standard deviation of column
# Get variance of column
# Get skewness of column
# Get kurtosis of column
# Get quantile of column
# Get minimum / maximum index value of column
# === Pandas / Row Manipulation ===============================================================================================
# Delete duplicated Rows by selected column (inplace)
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['column'], keep="first", inplace=True)
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['column', 'column2'], keep="first", inplace=True)
keep = 'first' / 'last' / False # Keep first / last / no duplicates
# === Pandas / Column Manipulation ============================================================================================
# Delete selected Columns (inplace)
df.drop(columns=['column'], inplace=True)
# === Pandas / Data Extraction ================================================================================================
# Extract strings from column
# === Pandas / Data Extraction / Examples =====================================================================================
# Extract strings from column and concate strings with '@@
# === Pandas / Data Sorting ===================================================================================================
# Sort DataFrame by column (inplace)
df.sort_values('column1', ascending=True, inplace=True)
df.sort_values(['column1', 'column2'], ascending=[True, True], inplace=True)
# === Pandas / Data Filtering =================================================================================================
# Groups Data in column (unique) and keep top 5 values
# Select columns by name with regex
# Select columns by dtype (include / exclude)
df.select_dtypes(include='number', exclude='object')
# === Pandas / Applying Functions =============================================================================================
# Apply function to column
df['column'].apply(lambda x: x + 1)
# Apply function element-wise to column
df['column'].applymap(lambda x: x + 1)
# === Pandas / Handling Missing Data ==========================================================================================
# Replace missing values with 0
df['column'].fillna(np.nan) # Replace missing values with NaN
df['column'].fillna(df['column'].mean()) # Replace missing values with mean
df['column'].fillna({'column': 'value'}, inplace=True) # Replace missing values with column specific value
df['column'].fillna(method='ffill') # Replace missing values with previous value
df['column'].fillna(method='bfill') # Replace missing values with next value
method = 'ffill' / 'bfill' / 'pad' / 'backfill' / None # Method to use for filling missing values (default: 'ffill'; 'ffill' / 'pad': previous value, 'bfill' / 'backfill': next value)
# Drop rows (all columns) with missing values
df.dropna(subset=['column']) # Drop rows (selected columns) with missing values
how = 'any' / 'all' # How to drop rows (any: drop rows if any column has missing values, all: drop rows if all columns have missing values)
# Keep rows (all columns) where rows of selected column are not NaN
# === Pandas / Cleaning Data ==================================================================================================
# Replace old string with new string
df['column'].str.replace({'old string', 'new string'})
df['column'].str.replace({'old string', 'new string'}, case=False) # case insensitive
# Replace string (regex) with new string
df['column'].str.replace(r'^www.', 'https://www.', regex=True)
# Remove white spaces from string
# === Pandas / Merging Data ===================================================================================================
# Merge DataFrames on column
pd.concat([df, df], axis=1)
pd.concat([df, df], axis=1, join='inner') # Inner join
# Merge DataFrames only on selected columns
pd.merge(df, df, on='column', how='inner')
pd.merge(df, df[['column', 'column1']], on='column', how='inner') # Merge on selected columns with selected columns
# === Pandas / Convert Data ===================================================================================================
# Convert DataFrame to list
# Make DataFrame from list
pd.DataFrame([{'column': 'value'}])
# Convert DataFrame to JSON
# Convert JSON to DataFrame
# Round values in DataFrame (.00)
df.round({'column': 2, 'column1': 3}) # Round values in selected columns
# === Pandas / String Manipulation ============================================================================================
# Convert string to ...
df['column'].str.lower() # All characters to lower case
df['column'].str.upper() # All characters to upper case
df['column'].str.title() # Title case (first letter of each word capitalized)
df['column'].str.capitalize() # Capitalize first letter of each word
df['column'].str.swapcase() # Swap case of each letter (upper to lower, lower to upper)
df['column'].str.casefold() # Case folding (lower case)
# === Pandas / Examples =======================================================================================================
# Groups GSC daily data into weekly intervals from Monday to Sunday (right closed / included)
df.resample('W-SUN', on='date').agg({'clicks':'sum','impressions':'sum','ctr':'mean','position':'mean'})
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