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Created February 20, 2017 18:48
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Smarty plugin for generating form fields
/* formfield plugin
* Create dynamic HTML form elements programmatically
* Parameters:
* type - the type of element, can be any standard HTML <input> type or one of the options below (default = text)
* options - for select, checkboxes, and radios types, this should be an associative array of key => label pairs
* value - the default value of the element; for select or checkboxes types this can be an array selected/checked values, if an array is set for other types, only the first value in the array is used
* wrapper - the HTML wrapper to be applied to individual elements when using checkboxes or radios, use %s to specify where default makeup should be inserted
* content - the content between <button> and </button> tags in an htmlbutton field
* emptyoption - a valueless label for a select list to serve as a default selection
* all other parameters will be set as attributes to the elements
* Element Types:
* checkboxes - creates a set of checkboxes from an array of options (expects options param, value param may be an array or single value)
* radios - creates a set of radio buttons from an array of options (expects options param, value param should be a single value)
* <select> - creates a select box from an array of options (expects options param, value param may be an array or a single value)
* <textarea> - creates a textarea (value param will be inserted as the inner content to the <textarea> and </textarea> tags)
* <button> - use type="htmlbutton" to create a <button> element (content param will be inserted as inner content between the <button> and </button> tags)
* <input> - any other type param will be converted to a standard <input> element with the specified type and all other values added as attributes
function smarty_function_formfield($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
//extract the control variables from the parameters
$type = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'type', 'text');
$options = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'options', array());
$value = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'value', '');
$wrapper = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'wrapper');
$content = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'content');
//normalize the disabled attribute
if(isset($params['disabled'])) {
if($params['disabled'] == false) {
else {
$params['disabled'] = 'disabled';
//a string to hold the output
$output = '';
if($type == 'checkboxes') {
//a set of checkboxes
//make sure value is an array
$value = (is_array($value)) ? $value : array($value);
//name needs square brackets for PHP to parse it correctly
$name = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'name', '');
$name = (!empty($name)) ? 'name="' . $name . '[]"' : '';
//get the id, a number will be appended so that each element has a unique id
$id = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params,'id');
//store each element in an output array
$output = array();
$count = 0;
foreach($options as $key => $label) {
$chk = (in_array($key, $value)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$myid = (!empty($id)) ? 'id="' . $id . '-' . $count . '"': '';
$html = sprintf('<label><input type="checkbox" %s %s %s value="%s" %s />%s</label>',
$name, //field name
$myid, //unique id
_smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params), //parsed attributes
$key, //value
$chk, //checked status
htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_QUOTES) //label
if(!empty($wrapper)) {
//wrap the HTML in the wrapper, if specified
$html = sprintf($wrapper, $html);
//add element to the output array
$output[] = $html;
//collapse output array into a string
$output = implode("\n", $output);
else if($type == 'radios') {
//a set of radio buttons
//value should not be an array
$value = (is_array($value)) ? array_shift($value) : $value;
//get the id; a sequential number will be appended on each element so that each has a uniqu id
$id = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'id');
//store each element in an output array
$output = array();
$count = 0;
foreach($options as $key => $label) {
//empty() evals to true for empty string, null, and zero
//isset() evals to true for empty string
//strlen() evals to > 0 for anything other than empty string, null
$chk = (strlen($value) > 0 && $key == $value) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
//$chk = ($key == $value) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$myid = (!empty($id)) ? 'id="' . $id . '-' . $count . '"': '';
$html = sprintf('<label><input type="radio" %s %s value="%s" %s />%s</label>',
$myid, //unique id
_smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params), //parsed attributes
$key, //value
$chk, //checked status
htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_QUOTES) //label
if(!empty($wrapper)) {
//wrap the HTML in the wrapper, if specified
$html = sprintf($wrapper, $html);
//add element to the output array
$output[] = $html;
//collapse output array into a string
$output = implode("\n", $output);
else if($type == 'select') {
//select box
//make sure value is an array
$value = (is_array($value)) ? $value : array($value);
//standardize multiple
$multiple = _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam($params, 'multiple');
$multiple = (!empty($multiple)) ? 'multiple="multiple"' : '';
//opening tag
$output = sprintf('<select %s %s>',
_smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params), //parsed attributes
$multiple //multiple option
) . "\n";
//empty option
$emptyoption = (isset($params['emptyoption'])) ? $params['emptyoption'] : null;
if($emptyoption) {
$output .= sprintf(' <option value="">%s</option>', htmlspecialchars($emptyoption, ENT_QUOTES)) . "\n";
//actual options
foreach($options as $key => $label) {
$sel = (in_array($key, $value)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$output .= sprintf(' <option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
$key, //option value
$sel, //selection status
htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_QUOTES) //label
) . "\n";
//closing tag
$output .= '</select>';
else if($type == 'textarea') {
//value should not be an array
$value = (is_array($value)) ? array_shift($value) : $value;
$output = sprintf('<textarea %s>%s</textarea>',
_smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params), //parsed attributes
htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES) //value
else if($type == 'htmlbutton') {
//value should not be an array
$value = (is_array($value)) ? array_shift($value) : $value;
$value = (!empty($value)) ? 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($values, ENT_QUOTES) . '"' : '';
$output = sprintf('<button %s %s>%s</button>',
_smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params), //parsed attributes
$value, //element value
htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_QUOTES) //the tags inner content
else {
//standard <input> element
//works with all other elements including HTML5 form elements as well as single checkboxes and radio buttons
//value should not be an array
$value = (is_array($value)) ? array_shift($value) : $value;
$value = ($value != '') ? 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES) . '"' : '';
$output = sprintf('<input type="%s" %s %s />',
$type, //field type
_smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params), //parsed attributes
$value //field value
return $output;
* find a value in an associative array by key, remove the element from the array, and return the value
* optionally, a default value can be specified if the requested key does not exist, otherwise null will be returned
function _smarty_function_formfield_extractParam(&$params, $paramName, $default=null)
$paramVal = $default;
if(isset($params[$paramName])) {
$paramVal = $params[$paramName];
return $paramVal;
* convert an associative array into a set of HTML attributes
function _smarty_function_formfield_getAttribs($params)
//output array
$output = array();
foreach($params as $key => $value) {
$output[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES));
//return output as a string
return implode(' ', $output);
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