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Last active July 12, 2019 19:46
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Mostly working continuation interpreter based on "Lisp in Small Pieces".
(defclass value () ())
(defclass environment () ())
(defclass continuation () ((k :initarg :k :accessor k)))
(defmethod invoke (f v* r k)
(error "not a function (f: ~a, r: ~a, k: ~a)" f r k))
(defmethod resume ((k continuation) v)
(error "unknown continuation (k: ~a)" k))
(defmethod lookup ((r environment) n k)
(error "not an environment (r: ~a, n: ~a, k: ~a)" r n k))
(defmethod update! ((r environment) n k v)
(error "not an environment (r: ~a, n: ~a, k: ~a)" r n k))
(defun evaluate (e r k)
(if (atom e)
(cond ((symbolp e) (evaluate-variable e r k))
(evaluate-quote e r k)))
(case (car e)
((quote) (evaluate-quote (cadr e) r k))
((if) (evaluate-if (cadr e) (caddr e) (cadddr e) r k))
((begin) (evaluate-begin (cdr e) r k))
((set!) (evaluate-set! (cadr e) (caddr e) r k))
((lambda) (evaluate-lambda (cadr e) (cddr e) r k))
(evaluate-application (car e) (cdr e) r k)))))
(defun evaluate-quote (v r k)
(resume k v))
(defclass if-cont (continuation) ((et :initarg :et :accessor et)
(ef :initarg :ef :accessor ef)
(r :initarg :r :accessor r)))
(defun evaluate-if (ec et ef r k)
(evaluate ec r (make-instance 'if-cont :k k :et et :ef ef :r r)))
(defmethod resume ((k if-cont) v)
(evaluate (if v (slot-value k 'et) (slot-value k 'ef))
(slot-value k 'r)
(slot-value k 'k)))
(defclass begin-cont (continuation) ((e* :initarg :e* :accessor e*)
(r :initarg :r :accessor r)))
(defun evaluate-begin (e* r k)
(if (listp e*)
(if (listp (cdr e*))
(evaluate (car e*) r (make-instance 'begin-cont :k k :e* e* :r r))
(evaluate (car e*) r k))
(resume k nil)))
(defmethod resume ((k begin-cont) v)
(evaluate-begin (cdr (slot-value k 'e*))
(slot-value k 'r)
(slot-value k 'k)))
(defclass null-env (environment) ())
(defclass full-env (environment) ((others :initarg :others :accessor others)
(name :initarg :name :accessor name)))
(defclass variable-env (full-env) ((value :initarg :value :accessor value)))
(defun evaluate-variable (n r k)
(lookup r n k))
(defmethod lookup ((r null-env) n k)
(error "Unknown variable (n: ~a, r: ~a, k: ~a)" n r k))
(defmethod lookup ((r full-env) n k)
(lookup (slot-value r 'others) n k))
(defmethod lookup ((r variable-env) n k)
(if (eqv? n (slot-value r 'name))
(resume k (slot-value r 'value))
(lookup (slot-value r 'others) n k)))
(defclass set!-cont (continuation) ((n :initarg :n :accessor n)
(r :initarg :r :accessor r)))
(defun evaluate-set! (n e r k)
(evaluate e r (make-instance 'set!-cont :k k :n n :r r)))
(defmethod resume ((k set!-cont) v)
(update! (slot-value k 'r) (slot-value k 'n) (slot-value k 'k) v))
(defmethod update! ((r null-env) n k v)
(error "Unknown variable (n: ~a, r: ~a, k: ~a)" n r k))
(defmethod update! ((r full-env) n k v)
(update! (slot-value r 'others) n k v))
(defmethod update! ((r variable-env) n k v)
(if (eqv? n (slot-value r 'name))
(progn (setf (slot-value r 'value) v)
(resume k v))
(update! (slot-value r 'others) n k v)))
(defclass functionlol (value) ((variables :initarg :variables :accessor variables)
(body :initarg :body :accessor body)
(env :initarg :env :accessor env)))
(defun evaluate-lambda (n* e* r k)
(resume k (make-instance 'functionlol n* e* r)))
(defmethod invoke ((f functionlol) v* r k)
(let ((env (extend-env (slot-value f 'env) (slot-value f 'variables) v*)))
(evaluate-begin (slot-value f 'body) env k)))
(defun extend-env (env names values)
(cond ((and (lisp names) (lisp values))
(make-instance 'variable-env
:others (extend-env env (cdr names) (cdr values))
:name (car names)
:value (car values)))
((and (null? names) (null? values)) env)
((symbolp names) (make-instance 'variable-env :others env :name names :value values))
(t (error "Arity mismatch"))))
(defclass evfun-cont (continuation) ((e* :initarg :e* :accessor e*)
(r :initarg :r :accessor r)))
(defclass apply-cont (continuation) ((f :initarg :f :accessor f)
(r :initarg :r :accessor r)))
(defclass argument-cont (continuation) ((e* :initarg :e* :accessor e*)
(r :initarg :r :accessor r)))
(defclass gather-cont (continuation) ((v :initarg :v :accessor v)))
(defun evaluate-application (e e* r k)
(evaluate e r (make-instance 'evfun-cont :k k :e* e* :r r)))
(defmethod resume ((k evfun-cont) f)
(evaluate-arguments (slot-value k 'e*)
(slot-value k 'r)
(make-instance 'apply-cont
:k (slot-value k 'k)
:f f
:r (slot-value k 'r))))
(defun evaluate-arguments (e* r k)
(if (lisp e*)
(evaluate (car e*) r (make-instance 'argument-cont :k k :e* e* :r r))
(resume k no-more-arguments)))
(defvar no-more-arguments '())
(defmethod resume ((k argument-cont) v)
(evaluate-arguments (cdr (slot-value k 'e*))
(slot-value k 'r)
(make-instance 'gather-cont :k (slot-value k 'k) :v v)))
(defmethod resume ((k gather-cont) v*)
(resume (slot-value k 'k) (cons (slot-value k 'v) v*)))
(defmethod resume ((k apply-cont) v)
(invoke (slot-value k 'f)
(slot-value k 'r)
(slot-value k 'k)))
(defclass bottom-cont (continuation) ((f :initarg :f :accessor f)))
(defclass primitive (value) ((name :initarg :name :accessor name)
(address :initarg :address :accessor address)))
(defmethod resume ((k bottom-cont) v)
(funcall (slot-value k 'f) v))
(defmethod invoke ((f primitive) v* r k)
(funcall (primitive-address f) v* r k))
(defun try-it-out ()
(evaluate '(if (if '() ()' 2) 3 4)
(make-instance 'null-env)
(make-instance 'bottom-cont :f (lambda (x) (format t "~a" x)))))
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