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Last active February 6, 2023 19:43
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For (Game of Life in Python and Numba)
import time
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# This could also be done without a class, using @nb.jit directly.
# It just seems natural to use a class. (That *might* slow it down a little; haven't tested it.)
spec = [
("width", nb.int32),
("height", nb.int32),
("board", nb.bool_[:, :]),
("next_board", nb.bool_[:, :]),
class Automata:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.board = np.zeros((width, height), np.bool_)
self.next_board = np.zeros((width, height), np.bool_) # double-buffer
def add_glider(self, x, y):
wrap_x = x if x < self.width else x
wrap_y = y if y < self.height else y
self.board[wrap_x + 0, wrap_y + 0] = True
self.board[wrap_x + 1, wrap_y + 1] = True
self.board[wrap_x + 2, wrap_y + 1] = True
self.board[wrap_x + 0, wrap_y + 2] = True
self.board[wrap_x + 1, wrap_y + 2] = True
def step(self):
for x in range(self.width):
for y in range(self.height):
num_neighbors = 0
for step_x in range(-1, 2):
for step_y in range(-1, 2):
if step_x != 0 or step_y != 0:
wrap_x = (x + step_x) % self.width
wrap_y = (y + step_y) % self.height
num_neighbors += self.board[wrap_x, wrap_y]
if self.board[x, y] and 1 < num_neighbors < 4:
self.next_board[x, y] = True
elif not self.board[x, y] and num_neighbors == 3:
self.next_board[x, y] = True
self.next_board[x, y] = False
# copy next_board into board
self.board[:] = self.next_board
def steps(self, num_steps):
# get the loop over num_steps *inside* the compiled part
for _ in range(num_steps):
def show(self):
for y in range(self.height):
row = ["."] * self.width
for x in range(self.width):
if self.board[x, y]:
row[x] = "X"
obj = Automata(40, 20)
obj.add_glider(18, 0)
# ensure that it's compiled before profiling (compilation takes 2.2 seconds)
start_time = time.monotonic()
print(f"{time.monotonic() - start_time} seconds")

Result without @nb.experimental.jitclass(spec):

23.88778449900019 seconds

Result with @nb.experimental.jitclass(spec):

0.2082922879999387 seconds
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