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Created April 10, 2019 16:22
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Javascript Basics
// 'use strict';
// a = 1; // throws error due to Strict Mode
console.log('Learn JS: Basics');
* Variables and assignments
let a; // declaration - I can be anything
// console.log('a ===>', a);
let b = 'some string'; // declaration with assignment
b = 23;
// console.log('b ===>', b);
const CANNOT_CHANGE_ME_AFTER_ASSIGNMENT = 1; // const declared along with assignment always
let c; // Declaration and assignment separate
c = 23; // possible due to let. Try this with cosnt
// console.log('c ===>', c);
* Primitive Data types
// Boolean
const isJavascriptAwesome = true;
// console.log('isJavascriptAwesome ===>', typeof isJavascriptAwesome);
// Null
const iAmNull = null;
// console.log('iAmNull ===>', typeof iAmNull);
// Undefined
const iAmNothing = undefined;
// console.log('iAmNothing ===>', typeof iAmNothing);
// Number
const taskCount = 23;
// console.log('taskCount ===>', typeof taskCount);
// String
const fullName = 'Kannan';
// console.log('fullName ===>', typeof fullName);
// Symbol - Lets learn about this later
// Object
const iAmObject = { x: 23, y: 'ok', z: false, a: null, b: undefined, c: { qwerty: '!!!' } };
// console.log(JSON.stringify(iAmObject));
// console.log('>>', iAmObject.hasOwnProperty('b'));
// console.log('iAmObject ===>', typeof iAmObject);
// console.log('iAmObject.y ===>', typeof iAmObject.y);
// console.log('iAmObject.y ===>', typeof iAmObject.y);
// console.log('iAmObject.hasOwnProperty(y) ===>', iAmObject.hasOwnProperty('y'));
* Arrays
// Array - Not a primitive and it itself an object
const myArray = [1, 'John', fullName, taskCount, null, undefined, iAmObject, {}];
// console.log('myArray ===>', typeof myArray);
// console.log('length of ===>', myArray.length);
// console.log('Array.isArray(myArray) ===>', Array.isArray(myArray));
* Function declarion and invocation
// I will get hosited automatically
function doSomething() {
// console.log('doSomething is running');
return 'I did something. Maybe ?';
let doSomethingOutput = doSomething();
// console.log('doSomething() ===>', doSomethingOutput);
const doSomethingVariable = function() {
return 'I still did something. Maybe ?';
// console.log('doSomethingVariable() ===>', doSomethingVariable());
const doSomethingArrow = () => {
return 'I still did something via arrow function.';
// console.log('doSomethingArrow() ===>', doSomethingArrow());
* Function scoping
let myName = 'Outer Scope';
// console.log('myName outside function ===>', myName);
function scopedVariables(myInput1, myInput2) {
// console.log('myName inside function before re-declaration ===>', myName); // throws error due to scoped let variable
let myName = 'Inner Scope';
// myName = 'Changed inside inner scope';
// console.log('myName inside function ===>', myName, myName2);
return myName;
myName = scopedVariables(2, 'data');
let pop123 = scopedVariables(10, 'myname');
// console.log('myName outside function after ===>', myName);
* Operators
// unary plus +
// unary negation -
// multiplication *
// division /
// addition +
// subtraction -
// assignment =
// Reminder %
// Exponent **
// Increment ++
// Decrement --
// Bitwise LATER
// Comma LATER
// Comparison > < >= <= == === != !==
// Conditional if/else Ternary
// Logical && || !
* More Functions
function doSomethingProductive() {
const myWallet = 0;
let salary = 1000;
let previousSavings = 200;
let expenses = 500;
const bankBalance = myWallet + salary - previousSavings - expenses;
return bankBalance;
// return { bankBalance: bankBalance, myWallet, salary, previousSavings, expenses };
// console.log('doSomethingProductive ===>', doSomethingProductive());
* Loops
let myWallet = 100;
let movieLanguage = 'TAMIL';
while (myWallet > 80) {
// console.log('I can go for a movie');
let costForAMovie;
if (movieLanguage == 'ENG') {
costForAMovie = 5;
// console.log('I am watching ENG movie');
} else {
costForAMovie = 4;
// console.log('I am watching Someother lang movie');
myWallet = myWallet - costForAMovie;
// do {
// // loop body
// } while (condition);
// for (begin; condition; step) {
// // ... loop body ...
// }
// let xyz = 123;
// console.log(xyz > 300);
// xyz++;
// for (let xyz = 123; xyz < 300; xyz = xyz + 5) {
// console.log('Each Iteration', xyz);
// }
* Examples
// console.log('calcSumOfNumbersArray ===>', calcSumOfNumbersArray([5, 2, 10]));
let numbersArray = [5, 2, 10];
function calcSumOfNumbersArray(numArray) {
// console.log('calcSumOfNumbersArray Function is running with parameters>>>>', numArray);
let _sum = 0;
for (let index = 0; index < numArray.length; index++) {
const element = numArray[index];
// console.log('Sum before addition', _sum);
_sum = _sum + element;
// console.log('Sum after addition', _sum);
// Write same loop in while, do-while
return _sum;
let myOutput = calcSumOfNumbersArray(numbersArray);
// console.log('>>>>>', myOutput);
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