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Created June 14, 2012 10:28
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import serial
import pusher
# Serial Port
print 'Setting up serialport'
s = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.Bluetooth_Bee_V2-DevB')
# Websocket
#print 'Creating Websocket'
#from websocket import create_connection
#ws = create_connection('ws://localhost:9000')
# Pusher services
print 'Setting up Pusher'
p = pusher.Pusher(app_id='22213', key='89ec1e5e6c8ea8499c18', secret='e17cd79f30370aefdf96')
# Creating history
c_volume = ['0']
c_function = ['0']
c_autobeats = ['0']
while True:
signal = s.readline()
# Volume Function
if signal[:6] == 'volume':
i_volume = str(signal.split(' ')[1].replace('\r\n',''))
# check for changes
if i_volume != c_volume[-1]:
if int(c_volume[-1]) + 5 < int(i_volume):
print "Volume changed: " + i_volume
#ws.send('volume:' + str(i_volume))
p['runlabs'].trigger('volume', {'volume': str(i_volume)})
elif int(c_volume[-1]) - 5 > int(i_volume):
print "Volume changed: " + i_volume
#ws.send('volume:' + str(i_volume))
p['runlabs'].trigger('volume', {'volume': str(i_volume)})
# append to history
# Button Function
elif signal[:8] == 'function':
i_function = str(signal.split(' ')[1].replace('\r\n',''))
if i_function != c_function[-1]:
print "Function changed: " + i_function
p['runlabs'].trigger('func', {'func': str(i_function)})
# Autobeats Function
elif signal[:9] == 'autobeats':
i_autobeats = str(signal.split(' ')[1].replace('\r\n',''))
if i_autobeats != c_autobeats[-1]:
print "Autobeats: " + i_autobeats
p['runlabs'].trigger('autobeats', {'autobeats': str(i_autobeats)})
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