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Created April 20, 2019 22:52
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import Foundation
public class BidirectionalMap<Left: Hashable, Right: Hashable> {
private var leftToRightMapping = [Left : Right]()
private var rightToLeftMapping = [Right : Left]()
public subscript(left: Left) -> Right? {
get { return leftToRightMapping[left] }
set (newValue) {
let oldRight = leftToRightMapping[left]
leftToRightMapping[left] = newValue
if let newValue = newValue {
rightToLeftMapping[newValue] = left
} else if let oldRight = oldRight {
rightToLeftMapping[oldRight] = nil
public subscript(right: Right) -> Left? {
get { return rightToLeftMapping[right] }
set (newValue) {
let oldLeft = rightToLeftMapping[right]
rightToLeftMapping[right] = newValue
if let newValue = newValue {
leftToRightMapping[newValue] = right
} else if let oldLeft = oldLeft {
leftToRightMapping[oldLeft] = nil
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let map = BidirectionalMap = [Int: String]()

map[1] = "hello"

print(map["hello"]) // 1
print(map[1]) // "hello"

Both directions are O(1)

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