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Created May 19, 2018 18:01
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Dirty Clojurescript script to retrieve ethereum wallets balances, for using with conky etc
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[goog.string.format])
(def http (js/require "http"))
(def addresses {"0xa662c033F936D0e950772aE3934D4f7EA5DCF934" "wage"
"0x07906afa8Af02c8739ef59999769533e2a07426A" "reimb"})
;; Etherscan APIkey
(def api-key "")
(defn grab-price [accounts]
(.get http (str ""
(fn [response]
(let [body-ref (atom "")]
(.on response "data" (fn [chunk] (swap! body-ref str chunk)))
(.on response "end" (fn []
(let [{:keys [ethusd]} (-> @body-ref
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
(println "Ether Price:" ethusd "US$\n")
(doseq [{:keys [account balance]} accounts]
(let [eth-balance (/ balance 1e18)]
(println "\t" (get addresses account)
(goog.string/format "%.3f" eth-balance)
"ETH ("
(goog.string/format "%.3f" (* eth-balance ethusd))
" US$ )"))))))))))
(.get http (str ""
(str/join "," (keys addresses))
(fn [response]
(let [body-ref (atom "")]
(.on response "data" (fn [chunk] (swap! body-ref str chunk)))
(.on response "end" (fn []
(grab-price (-> @body-ref
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
;; Will output something like : ;;
;; ;;
;; Ether Price: 700.84 US$ ;;
;; ;;
;; wage 14.300 ETH ( 10022.012 US$ ) ;;
;; reimb 0.182 ETH ( 127.285 US$ ) ;;
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