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Created May 17, 2012 03:28
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My custom implementation of DynamicDecorator from Gary H Guo
// Created by por Jone Polvora
// Twitter: @jpolvora
// WebSite:
// Based on Dynamic Decorator / CBO Extender Project (
// Depends on Impromptu-Interface (
// Last Update: 21/05/2012 10:40AM GMT -04:00
// Brazil
static void DecorateContext(DbContext ctx)
//fluent interface
var proxyCtx = ObjectProxyFactory
.Configure<IUnitOfWork>(ctx) //will return an IUnitOfWork object
.WithPreAspect(pre =>
LogEntering(pre.CallCtx.MethodName)) //pre_decoration
.WithPostAspect(pos =>
LogExiting(pos.CallCtx.MethodName)) //post_decoration
.FilterMethods(m1 =>
m2 => m2.ToString(),
m3 => m3.Dispose())
.Build(); //create and return
//execute a method
proxyCtx.SaveChanges(); //will be intercepted
//using buider
var builder = ObjectProxyFactory.Configure<IUnitOfWork>(ctx);
builder.WithPostAspect(p => LogExiting(p.CallCtx.MethodName));
var proxyResult = builder.Build();
static void LogEntering(string methodName)
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Entering {0}", methodName));
static void LogExiting(string methodName)
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exiting {0}", methodName));
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies;
using ImpromptuInterface;
namespace DynamicProxy.AllInOneFile
public class AspectContext<TTarget>
public TTarget Target { get; private set; }
public IMethodCallMessage CallCtx { get; private set; }
public dynamic Parameters { get; set; }
public bool Abort { get; set; }
public AspectContext(TTarget target, IMethodCallMessage callCtx, dynamic parameters)
Target = target;
CallCtx = callCtx;
Parameters = parameters;
public interface IAspectBehavior<TTarget>
string[] MethodsToIntercept { get; }
void PreAspect(AspectContext<TTarget> ctx);
void PostAspect(AspectContext<TTarget> ctx);
public static class Helpers
#region public helper methods to get methodnames
public static string[] GetMethodNames<T>(params Expression<Action<T>>[] expressions)
if (expressions == null)
return Enumerable.Empty<string>().ToArray();
return expressions.Select(expression => expression.ExtractMethod()).ToArray();
private static string ExtractMethod<T>(this Expression<Action<T>> expression)
var methodCall = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (methodCall == null)
throw new ArgumentException("expression");
var method = methodCall.Method;
return method.Name;
public static string[] GetMethodNamesFromPropertyInfo(bool getters = true, bool setters = true, params PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos)
var methodsProperties = new List<string>();
foreach (var propertyName in propertyInfos.Select(propertyInfo => propertyInfo.Name))
if (getters) methodsProperties.Add("get_" + propertyName);
if (setters) methodsProperties.Add("set_" + propertyName);
return methodsProperties.ToArray();
public static string[] GetMethodNamesFromLambdaProperty<T>(bool getters = true, bool setters = true, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] expressions) where T : class
var methodsProperties = new List<string>();
foreach (var propertyName in expressions.Select(expression => expression.ExtractPropertyName()))
if (getters) methodsProperties.Add("get_" + propertyName);
if (setters) methodsProperties.Add("set_" + propertyName);
return methodsProperties.ToArray();
internal static string ExtractPropertyName<T>(this Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
var memberExpression = expression.ToMemberExpression();
var member = memberExpression.Member;
return member.Name;
private static MemberExpression ToMemberExpression(this LambdaExpression expression)
MemberExpression memberExpression;
if (expression.Body is UnaryExpression)
var unary = (UnaryExpression)expression.Body;
memberExpression = (MemberExpression)unary.Operand;
else memberExpression = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
if (memberExpression == null)
throw new ArgumentException("expression");
return memberExpression;
#region helper methods
public static bool Implements<TType>(this Type derived)
return Implements(typeof(TType), derived);
public static bool Implements(this Type derived, Type baseType)
return derived.IsAssignableFrom(baseType);
public static PropertyInfo[] GetAllProperties(this Type type)
List<Type> typeList = new List<Type> { type };
if (type.IsInterface)
return typeList.SelectMany(interfaceType => interfaceType.GetProperties()).ToArray();
internal class ObjectProxy<TInterface> : RealProxy, IRemotingTypeInfo
private readonly Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> _preAspect = delegate { };
private readonly Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> _postAspect = delegate { };
private readonly IAspectBehavior<TInterface> _behavior;
private readonly bool _supressErrors;
private readonly String[] _arrMethods;
private readonly dynamic _parameters;
private readonly TInterface _target;
public TInterface Proxy { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">The object that will be proxied</param>
/// <param name="preAspect">Optional action that will be fired before intercepted method execution</param>
/// <param name="postAspect">Optional action that will be fired after the execution of the intercepted method</param>
/// <param name="behavior">A class that implements IAspectBehavior. If this parameter is not null, the preAspect and postAspect are ignored</param>
/// <param name="parameters">dynamic parameters that will be available during the execution context</param>
/// <param name="supressErrors">True to supress exceptions, otherwise, false to throw exceptions</param>
/// <param name="arrMethods">List of methods that will be intercepted. If null or empty, all methods of the TInterface will be intercepted</param>
protected internal ObjectProxy(
TInterface target,
Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> preAspect,
Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> postAspect,
IAspectBehavior<TInterface> behavior,
dynamic parameters = null,
bool supressErrors = true,
params string[] arrMethods)
: base(typeof(TInterface)) //: base(typeof(MarshallByRefObject))
_target = target;
_preAspect = preAspect;
_postAspect = postAspect;
_behavior = behavior;
_parameters = parameters;
_supressErrors = supressErrors;
_arrMethods = _behavior != null ? _behavior.MethodsToIntercept : arrMethods;
Proxy = (TInterface)GetTransparentProxy();
TypeName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", Proxy.GetType().Name, _target.GetType().Name);
public override sealed object GetTransparentProxy()
return base.GetTransparentProxy();
public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage message)
var methodMessage = (IMethodCallMessage)message;
var method = methodMessage.MethodBase;
if (!HasMethod(method.Name))
return CreateReturnMessage(InvokeOriginalMethod(methodMessage, false), methodMessage);
var context = new AspectContext<TInterface>(_target, methodMessage, _parameters);
// Perform the preprocessing
var returnMessage = ExecuteAspect(_behavior != null ? _behavior.PreAspect : _preAspect, context);
if (returnMessage != null)
return returnMessage;
// Perform the call
var returnValue = InvokeOriginalMethod(methodMessage, context.Abort);
// Perform the postprocessing
if (!context.Abort)
returnMessage = ExecuteAspect(_behavior != null ? _behavior.PostAspect : _postAspect, context);
if (returnMessage != null)
return returnMessage;
// Create the return message (ReturnMessage)
returnMessage = CreateReturnMessage(returnValue, methodMessage);
return returnMessage;
/// <summary>
/// Executes the pre or post aspect, returning null if sucess
/// </summary>
private ReturnMessage ExecuteAspect(Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> aspect, AspectContext<TInterface> context)
if (aspect != null)
catch (Exception e)
if (_supressErrors)
return new ReturnMessage(e, context.CallCtx);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Call the current method being intercepted
/// </summary>
private object InvokeOriginalMethod(IMethodMessage methodMessage, bool abort)
if (abort)
return null;
return methodMessage.MethodBase.Name == "GetType"
? typeof(TInterface)
: methodMessage.MethodBase.Invoke(_target, methodMessage.Args);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
throw ex.InnerException;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the return IMessage to the Invoke method
/// </summary>
private static ReturnMessage CreateReturnMessage(object returnValue, IMethodCallMessage methodMessage)
return new ReturnMessage(returnValue,
/// <summary>
/// Will check if a method is going to be intercepted. Will return true if empty or null or contains the name.
/// </summary>
private bool HasMethod(string mtd)
return _arrMethods == null || _arrMethods.Count() == 0 || _arrMethods.Any(s => s.Equals(mtd));
public override ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type type)
throw new NotSupportedException("ObjRef for DynamicProxy isn't supported");
public bool CanCastTo(Type fromType, object realproxy) // refers to current TransparentProxy object
var result = fromType == typeof(TInterface) || fromType == _target.GetType() ||
typeof(TInterface).IsAssignableFrom(fromType) || _target.GetType().Implements(fromType);
return result;
public string TypeName { get; set; }
public class FluentBuilder<TInterface> where TInterface : class
private readonly TInterface _target;
private Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> _preAspect;
private Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> _postAspect;
private dynamic _parameters;
private string[] _methodsFilter;
private IAspectBehavior<TInterface> _behavior;
private Expression<Action<TInterface>>[] _lambdas;
private readonly bool _supressErrors;
internal FluentBuilder(TInterface target, bool supressErrors = true)
_target = target;
_supressErrors = supressErrors;
public FluentBuilder<TInterface> SetPreDecoration(Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> preAspect)
_behavior = null;
_preAspect = preAspect;
return this;
public FluentBuilder<TInterface> SetPostDecoration(Action<AspectContext<TInterface>> postAspect)
_behavior = null;
_postAspect = postAspect;
return this;
public FluentBuilder<TInterface> SetParameters(dynamic parameters)
_parameters = parameters;
return this;
public FluentBuilder<TInterface> FilterMethods(params string[] methods)
_lambdas = null;
_methodsFilter = methods;
return this;
public FluentBuilder<TInterface> FilterMethods(params Expression<Action<TInterface>>[] methods)
_methodsFilter = null;
_lambdas = methods;
return this;
public FluentBuilder<TInterface> ApplyBehavior(IAspectBehavior<TInterface> behavior)
_preAspect = null;
_postAspect = null;
_behavior = behavior;
return this;
public TInterface Build()
if (_lambdas != null)
_methodsFilter = Helpers.GetMethodNames(_lambdas);
var objectProxy = new ObjectProxy<TInterface>(
return objectProxy.Proxy; //GetTransparentProxy()
public static class ObjectProxyFactory
public static FluentBuilder<TInterface> Configure<TInterface>(object target, bool supressErrors = true)
where TInterface : class
if (!typeof(TInterface).IsInterface)
throw new ArgumentException("TInterface");
/* automatic duck typing if needed */
TInterface typedTarget = target.GetType().Implements(typeof(TInterface))
? (TInterface)target
: target.ActLike<TInterface>();
return new FluentBuilder<TInterface>(typedTarget, supressErrors);
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