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Last active February 6, 2020 15:28
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Imports a folder of Excel files into SQL folders
## SETUP ##
## get some data into xlsx files :)
$svr = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance mssql1 -SqlCredential (Get-Credential)
foreach ($tbl in (Get-DbaDbTable -SqlInstance $svr -Database AdventureWorks2017 | where schema -eq 'sales' | select -first 10)){
Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $svr -Database AdventureWorks2017 -Query "Select top 10 * from $($tbl.Schema).$($" |
Export-Excel -Path "c:\temp\excel\$($" -ExcludeProperty ItemArray, RowError, RowState, Table, HasErrors
## SCRIPT ##
## Database to put stuff in - I'm using $svr as my instance is a container and I'm connecting with sa,
## can just type instance name for SqlInstance and use Windows Auth
New-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $svr -Name DataFromExcel
## Get Excel files
$excelFiles = Get-ChildItem C:\temp\Excel
foreach ($file in $excelFiles) {
# store data from excel in variable
$data = Import-Excel -Path $file.FullName
# use data as InputObject (performance is better than piping)
# -AutoCreateTable will do it's best... you should create table ahead of time to avoid crazy data types :)
# batch size can be changed to whatever you like
Write-DbaDataTable -SqlInstance $svr -Database DataFromExcel -Table $file.BaseName -AutoCreateTable -BatchSize 10000 -InputObject $data
# cleanup variable
Remove-Variable data
# you could also use this to do multiple at a time:
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