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Created April 21, 2024 08:41
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Function to get a list of Quarterfinal scores from CrossFit Games API for a specific affiliate
Function to get a list of Quarterfinal scores from CrossFit Games API for a specific affiliate
.PARAMETER affiliateName
The name of the affiliate to filter by, e.g. 'CrossFit Southampton'
.PARAMETER division
The division to filter by, either 'Women' or 'Men'
The year of the quarterfinals, defaults to this year.
.PARAMETER incScores
This switch will include the workout scores in the output
PS> Get-CfQfAffiliateAthletes -affiliateName 'CrossFit Southampton' -Division Women
Gets a list of women athletes from CrossFit Southampton and their rank
Get-CfQfAffiliateAthletes -affiliateName 'CrossFit Southampton' -Division Women -incScores
Gets a list of women athletes from CrossFit Southampton and their rank and workout scores
Jess Pomfret
This goes through the API page by page - in testing it took about 2 mins for women, 4 mins for men.
function Get-CfQfAffiliateAthletes {
param (
[ValidateSet ('Women','Men')]
$year = (Get-Date).Year,
$div = switch ($division) {
'Men' {1}
'Women' {2}
Write-Verbose ("Getting first page to determine total pages for division {0}" -f $division)
$uri = '{0}/leaderboards?division={1}&region=0&scaled=0&sort=0&quarterfinal=229&page={2}'
$data = ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest -uri ($uri -f $year, $div, 1)) # get page 1
$athletes = @()
for ($p = 1; $p -le $data.pagination.totalPages; $p++) {
Write-Verbose ("Getting page {0} for division {1} and filtering by {2}" -f $p, $division, $affiliateName)
$page = ConvertFrom-Json (Invoke-WebRequest -uri ($uri -f $year, $div, $p))
$athletes += $page.LeaderboardRows |
Where-Object { $_.entrant.affiliateName -eq 'CrossFit Southampton' } #|
# add a rank
Write-Verbose "Adding rank to athletes"
$rank = 1
$athletes | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Rank -Value $rank
# return based on rank
Write-Verbose "Returning athletes"
if($incScores) {
# foreach score available add a column to results
$athletes | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable ath -Process { $_ } | ForEach-Object {
$ath.scores | ForEach-Object {
$ath | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ('Workout {0}' -f $_.ordinal) -Value $_.scoreDisplay
$athletes | Sort-Object Rank | Select-Object Rank, @{l='FirstName'; e={$_.entrant.firstName}}, @{l='LastName'; e={$_.entrant.lastName}}, overallRank, overallScore, Workout*
} else {
$athletes | Sort-Object Rank | Select-Object Rank, @{l='FirstName'; e={$_.entrant.firstName}}, @{l='LastName'; e={$_.entrant.lastName}}, overallRank, overallScore
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