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Created January 14, 2010 06:14
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problem with joins in DM post-0.10.2
require "do_mysql"
require "dm-core"
require 'rubygems'
require 'ruby-debug'
Debugger.start, :debug)
DataMapper.setup(:default, "mysql://root@localhost/foo")
class Project
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :title, String
has n, :tasks
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String
has n, :tasks
class Task
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :project_id, Integer
property :user_id, Integer
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :user
Task.all('project.title' => 'title', '' => 'name').to_a
debugger; 1
$ ruby foo.rb
~ (0.000007) SET sql_auto_is_null = 0
~ (0.000003) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `projects`
~ (0.000003) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`
~ (0.000002) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tasks`
~ (0.000002) SHOW TABLES LIKE 'projects'
~ (0.000003) SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'
~ (0.000002) SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_connection'
~ (0.000003) CREATE TABLE `projects` (`id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
~ (0.000004) SHOW TABLES LIKE 'users'
~ (0.000002) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
~ (0.000003) SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tasks'
~ (0.000002) CREATE TABLE `tasks` (`id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `project_id` INTEGER, `user_id` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
~ (0.000005) SELECT `tasks`.`id`, `tasks`.`project_id`, `tasks`.`user_id` FROM `tasks` INNER JOIN `users` ON `tasks`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` INNER JOIN `projects` ON `users`.`project_id` = `projects`.`id` WHERE (`users`.`name` = 'name' AND `projects`.`title` = 'title') GROUP BY `tasks`.`id`, `tasks`.`project_id`, `tasks`.`user_id` ORDER BY `tasks`.`id`
~ Unknown column 'users.project_id' in 'on clause' (code: 1054, sql state: 42S22, query: SELECT `tasks`.`id`, `tasks`.`project_id`, `tasks`.`user_id` FROM `tasks` INNER JOIN `users` ON `tasks`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` INNER JOIN `projects` ON `users`.`project_id` = `projects`.`id` WHERE (`users`.`name` = 'name' AND `projects`.`title` = 'title') GROUP BY `tasks`.`id`, `tasks`.`project_id`, `tasks`.`user_id` ORDER BY `tasks`.`id`, uri: mysql://root@localhost/foo)
/proj/work/dm-core.git/lib/dm-core/adapters/data_objects_adapter.rb:140:in `execute_reader': Unknown column 'users.project_id' in 'on clause' (DataObjects::SQLError)
from /proj/work/dm-core.git/lib/dm-core/adapters/data_objects_adapter.rb:140:in `read'
from /proj/work/dm-core.git/lib/dm-core/adapters/data_objects_adapter.rb:269:in `with_connection'
from /proj/work/dm-core.git/lib/dm-core/adapters/data_objects_adapter.rb:136:in `read'
from /proj/work/dm-core.git/lib/dm-core/repository.rb:145:in `read'
from /proj/work/dm-core.git/lib/dm-core/collection.rb:1111:in `lazy_load'
from /proj/work/extlib.git/lib/extlib/lazy_array.rb:275:in `to_a'
from foo.rb:54
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