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Created March 2, 2024 22:38
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use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Index, IndexMut};
pub struct EnumArray<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy> {
array: [V; LEN],
index: PhantomData<fn() -> E>,
impl<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy> EnumArray<LEN, E, V> {
pub fn new(v: V) -> Self {
Self {
array: [v; LEN],
index: PhantomData,
/// # Safety
/// - `array` must be valid for reads and writes
pub unsafe fn get_raw<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy>(
array: *mut EnumArray<LEN, E, V>,
index: E,
) -> *mut V {
let index: usize = index.into();
impl<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy> Deref for EnumArray<LEN, E, V> {
type Target = [V; LEN];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy> DerefMut for EnumArray<LEN, E, V> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.array
impl<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy> Index<E> for EnumArray<LEN, E, V> {
type Output = V;
fn index(&self, index: E) -> &Self::Output {
impl<const LEN: usize, E: Into<usize>, V: Copy> IndexMut<E> for EnumArray<LEN, E, V> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: E) -> &mut Self::Output {
pub trait Enum: Into<usize> {
const LEN: usize;
macro_rules! enum_array_index {
($E:ty, $MAX:expr) => {
impl From<$E> for usize {
fn from(v: $E) -> usize {
v as usize
impl $crate::enum_array::Enum for $E {
const LEN: usize = ($MAX as usize) + 1;
macro_rules! enum_array_type {
($vis:vis type $Name:ident = [$V:ty; $E:ty]) => {
$vis type $Name =
$crate::enum_array::EnumArray<{ <$E as $crate::enum_array::Enum>::LEN }, $E, $V>;
pub trait FixedArray<V: Copy>: private::Sealed + Index<usize> + IndexMut<usize> {
const LEN: usize;
fn init(v: V) -> Self;
impl<V: Copy, const N: usize> private::Sealed for [V; N] {}
impl<V: Copy, const N: usize> FixedArray<V> for [V; N] {
const LEN: usize = N;
fn init(v: V) -> Self {
[v; N]
mod private {
pub trait Sealed {}
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